Time Waster # 47 -- Parachuting & Cheesy Proposals

Start from the beginning

Sal: Hey, Alfred. What's up?

Alfred: Your mom said I would find you here, so I thought I'd stop by and see how the packing was coming.

Sal: It's finally coming around, now that Cami's off packing the snacks for the trip tomorrow.

Alfred: You can't get things done when she's here?

Sal: Not really. She's really good at distracting people.

Alfred: Right..

Sal: *Shrugs*.

Alfred: Anything I can help with?

Sal: You can start packing all of her clothes into those two black duffel bags.

Alfred: Okay.

Sal: I'll start packing her bathroom stuff. *Goes into the bathroom*.

Sal: *Comes out with a bunch of facial mask things* Geez. Ever since Cheyenne introduced her to facial masks she's been obsessed with them.

Alfred: Cami has?

Sal: Yup. Mostly because she likes to put them on and stare at me while I sleep. I can feel her staring at me, so when I open my eyes I start screaming because I think the aliens have come again.

Alfred: Again?

Sal: *Looks deep in thought, then shakes her head* I'll save that story for another time.

Alfred: ... o_O

Sal: Anyway, she really likes those.

Alfred: *Nods* Alright then.


Cami: *Walks back into the room* I got the stuff packed.

Sal: That took an hour? Cami, I said just snacks.

Cami: It is!

Sal: *Sighs* Just as long as you didn't pack the whole kitchen, I'm fine with it.

Cami: Are you guys done?

Sal: Almost.

Cami: Good, less work for me.

Sal: Please, you wouldn't have done the work anyways.

Cami: *Shrugs* Fair enough.


Sal: What the heck is that?

Cami: Your ring tone. I changed it to Justin Bieber earlier.

Sal: CAMI!

Alfred: *Singing quietly to the ring tone* Thought you'd always be mine, m-- *Stops when he realizes the other two are staring at him* What?

Cami: I didn't know you could sing.

Sal: Me neither. So do me a favor and don't waste a beautiful voice on a horrible song.

Cami: It is not a horrible song!

Sal: Yes it is!

Cami: Don't speak that way about my future husband!

Sal: I thought Darren was your future husband...

Cami: Maybe I'll have two.

Sal: *Face palms*.

Alfred: Are you gonna answer your phone, or...?

Sal: Oh! I'll be right back. *Runs out of the room to answer the phone privately*.

Cami: So you wanna come to Cherry Berry after this is all done?

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