
Hugo and his brigade had charged through the city, mowing down civillians who tried attacking them. Working as a team, his units moved down onto their HQ. Jay's police station. Not bothering to even unlock the door, he felt and urge to smash the door down. He did exactly that and when he walked in he saw a trail of blood leading up to the stairs....

   Hugo growled as he ran up the staircase, following it.


"Are you sure it's there?" Jay asked.

"The stuff is highly flammable. All you do is drop a match and mission accomplished.

And I studied what Goblin put up on his rootftop. It's no bigger than a water heater. However it has the equivilant to an Intercontinental Ballistic Missle. Disable it....that thing could take out the entire city."

  Then the door to the roof burst open. Jonas came through. Stephen grabbed Jay's hand and swung off towards the Oscorp building.

  "Brace yourself." Stephen said. As Jay did, they crashed through  a window.

 "You know what to do." Stephen began to run out the window.

    "Wait! Where the heck are you going?" Jay asked.

"To stop Osborn." And before Jay could stop him Stephen jumped out the window.

   Stephen swung around the edges of the Oscorp building. He couldn't hear or see Goblin anywhere. Then he turned around.


Stephen was picked up by Goblin on his glider.  He kicked back anslammed his fists into Goblin's metal helmet and blinded his vision with webbing. Osbourn roared and clawed as Arachnid climbed over Goblin and tried to throw him off the glider.  But Osborn's feet were connected to the glider put foot holds. Osborn shot the glider skyward. His large hand grabbed Stephen and picked him up by his head. Stephen swung around and Goblin grabbed him by his chest and began clubbering Stephen. Goblin's claws tore at Stephen's chest vest and Stephen did what the could to hold him at bay.


Jay Was on the roof of the Oscorp building. He saw Goblin's bomb.  Stephen was right, it was no bigger than a water heater. But this thing has a high blast radius. Jay went to work on it. He saw multiple panels, but no timer.

  "Must be remote control." He concluded. He walked around the bomb till he got to a panel that was larger than the rest.  He raised his shotgun and used the butt of the gun to knock off the panel. 

    He saw about a dozen wires hooked up to different glowing panels.  

And they were all red........


Stephen had grabbed Goblin's arms and tried to wrestle them away from his chest. All he needed to do was wait. 

 Goblin knocked away Stephen's arms.  It was all too easy. Before Stephen knew it, he was choking. Goblin's hand wrapped around his neck. Goblin reached for his belt.

   " To die in the name of cause....." Goblin smiled.  "Is to live forever."

 Stephen's eyes followed Goblin's hand come back from his waist. He saw the small detonator. The control detonator.


Jay was looking at the wires. He wasn't a technician. He had no idea what to clip. He was also a cautious man. He wasn't going to take the gamble.

Arachnid: NoirWhere stories live. Discover now