Chapter 11: Memories

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Chapter 11: Memories

Lydia's POV:

I glanced at Kaleb as he stood and watched as fight. I could see Aiden keeping a watch on him too. We couldn't help it.

He was so different and unsure of himself... not like the Kaleb I knew before this happened. Who knows how many drugs and spells were put on him to keep him from remembering...

Aiden then fried the last guard's skin off and we all turned, hands on hips or crossed, and glared at Kaleb.

"So Kaleb... why did you let us free?" Aiden asked and stepped closer to him. I put a hand on his shoulder but he still eyed him nervously.

"He's not wrong there Kaleb... why did you set us free? You could have lived your life with Jordan and be happy and rule the Fire Kingdom together... why choose us over that life?"

Kaleb shrugged and I raised an eyebrow. "A shrug? That's it? That's your answer?"

Kaleb's eyes flashed with anger. "Well I'm sorry Miss. I'm the Best! I woke up randomly on the ground strangely in love with Jordan, had no memory of my past except bits and pieces of fake memories that Jordan put in my head. Then I had weird dreams! About you guys! Before I met you! So of course I saved you! I need real answers! And I have a strong feeling we really know each other... and not in the way Jordan said."

I looked at him but my face softened. "My name is Lydia. Otherwise known as Queen Lydia of the Ice Kingdom. This is my Second in Command and good friend Aiden. You probably don't remember but we threw him in a lake to wake him up... we need to catch up... a lot. Come on."

I turned and started walking down the hall to where a room was cracked open. I randomly acted like I knew where I was going and opened the door. "Get inside."

They all stepped in the room and Kaleb's eyes shifted to a different color just for a second then he blinked. "I've been here before."

I looked around. "You went inside a weapon closet when you were down here?"

"I don't know... maybe."

I shrugged and sat down. "So Kaleb... I came to the this world when I was dragged here by you when you were going through my stuff in the human world..."

Kaleb's POV:

My vision blurred again. "A ring... I was looking for a ring... a special ring that someone needed me to find..." I muttered and the Lydia girl looked at me.

"Really? Okay then um... then you took me through the storm that surrounded the Ice Palace and introduced me to your step-mother... but you didn't know she was your step-mom."

I vaguely remembered the cold bite on my bare skin and a sly smile on a pale face.

"Then you showed me the lake and you fell through... that's when we figured out you were not the real Ice Prince... you were the Fire Prince."

"A Rabid Fire Bear?" I muttered and Lydia nodded. "We were attacked by one right after you exploded the lake."

"You froze me into a block!" I looked her. The memories were trickling back whenever she started talking about it.

"Yeah... then I found out that I was the true Ice Princess... and you left for the war."

I remembered me leaving Lydia behind with tears in her eyes...

"Then Viviana came and gave us bad news... you were captured."

"Shadow Soldiers right?" She nodded again. "You had become one of them. I returned you to normal."

"Wait... I dreamed about this... we escaped through a black hole of darkness and you almost died... then we got caught in a storm that you sent away somehow... then Jordan came..."

"Right. I sorta kinda cut off her arms and the guards all disappeared. She came along with us-"

"-and I made the arms for her and then you ran away then we went looking for you and you had all these amazing powers!"

"I was possessed by 3 goddesses at the same time so I could have the strength to kill you." She looked at her fingernails causly and my face paled.

"Yeah then we met Aiden!"

"Threw him in a lake."

"We tried to train him-"

"-but Jordan's friends attacked us-"

Aiden laughed and said, "-I blasted her with energy-"

"-and then my memory disappeared for the first time..."

Lydia looked away and nodded. "You disappeared and we went back to the Ice Palace... on the way we met Bryce, a friend of Aiden, then we left him at the palace after the crowning ceremony and then we came here..."

Lydia looked so depressed just thinking about it that I smiled at her gently. She stared at the ground.

"You probably don't remember the details."

But I did. I remember every feeling, every stare, every moment, every detail... but did she need to know that? Did she need to know that I remembered how much I loved her?

Yeah... she probably did.

"Lydia... I do remember... I remember everything... well not everything. Not the important stuff. But I remember everything else... I remember one thing that was so strong it shined through magic and through my dreams. Lydia... you can think what you want about me... but just know that I remember that I love you. Don't forget that. Okay?"

"W-what?" Lydia stammered then there was an explosion that shook the walls and every bone in my body.

"They're collapsing the entrance!" I screamed and bolted out of the room and rushed to the entrance of the dungeon.

Too late. It was only a pile of rubble.

That was the only exit that was down here. Lydia and Aiden ran up behind me. "We're trapped." I whispered and their eye's widened with fear as the dust and smoke floated around us. 

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