I don't fucking know if I love him that way too, but I really really like him a lot so I'm just sad and pissed were not talking. These nightmares don't help- Wait! Why don't you look shocked?" I asked him after I was done ranting.

"It was bound to happen. I mean you both were inseparable since, uh forever. You have been through a lot together and he cares about you a lot, treats you like a queen, you know." He said.

"Yeah he does." I smiled. "Did." I corrected myself and letting my smile slip from my face.

"Okay, tell you what? Tell me about an incident when Blaze cared for you more than himself." He asked me, completely ignoring my change of mood.

"There are many but I distinctly remember this time when we were thirteen. I was a little hefty back then and got bullied a lot, remember?" He nodded and I so continued. "This one time, a kid named Toby came up to me and started picking on me. Me being me, argued and teased him back. He made the first move. He punched me in the jaw, making me fall down to the ground and then kicked me in the stomach. I was hurt. Mentally and physically . When Blaze saw that, he came up to me, pulled me up to my feet and hit Toby, breaking his nose.

A full blown fight had taken place in the school hallway. Blaze got suspended and on the top of that, he had a broken arm and a bleeding nose. That day when I had asked him why did he do that, he simply smiled and said, "You're my best friend and nobody messes with you without messing with me. I care about you more than myself."

Not knowing what to do, I just said, "Butthole." and kissed his cheek. I still remember his rosy blush and Blaze Ryder did not freaking blush. It was cute. I really miss those times."

"You know he still cares about you the way he did, right? Maybe a little more. He definitely is more overprotective, now." He said. "Oh and possessive." He added as an afterthought.

I just nodded my head. Damien patted my back and said, "Believe it or not, it will work out. Things will go back to the way they used to be." and then he walked away.


When the school was out, I went over to the hospital to see Liam. I entered his mother's room carefully and saw him siting there.

His jaw locked, fists clenched and body tense. Whoa, he was in the new 'Blaze' stance. I knocked lightly on the door and his face snapped towards me. I saw him physically relax and he walked out, towing me with him to the cafeteria. We got some coffee because why not.

"Liz is annoying." I kid you not, that was the first thing he said after fifteen minutes of silence.

"Why?" I asked him cautiously.

"For starters, she doesn't know what 'no' means!" He said with some what aggressiveness.

"What happened? I am lost here." I told him.

"She had come over a while ago. Said I needed comfort. She said, I quote, "You don't have to go through this alone. You have me"." He rolled his eyes. "She then started hugging me and I didn't want to look rude so I didn't push her away. Oh and who would miss a hug from a girl? I know not me." He smirked a little. " Then she started running her hands through my hair so I held her shoulders and pushed her away. Gently, of course. She kept coming at me and I kept on telling her to say away. She won't understand. " I nodded my head and urged him to go on. "She started saying how I needed someone and so I told her I had you and the whole team. You are the people I grew up with. Then she started cussing-" I widened my eyes because Liz didn't cuss. Ever. She said it's not lady like. "you and started yelling how everything is about you. I told her to leave and she didn't budge. I had to push her away. She is so fucking annoying. How are you even friends with her?" Liam finished.

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