good plan


i don't wanna come down


i'm just. mortified.


like idk it's just so embarrassing that everyone knows and got so upset in my defense so now when i go back downstairs it'll be weird


like it's weird when you first tell people your parents hit you or something and they get all. awkward.


yeah. well whenever u wanna come downstairs let me know and i'll go with you and if anyone acts awkward i'll do something


idk what


but i'll sure do something


also you know sam is mad right


not at or about you he's mad that steve would do that against ur will and he's super embarrassed like he feels so bad that he knows and you didn't want him to


well that's no good i'll talk to him when i'm doing burying myself alive in shame


yes well don't bury yourself on the fifth floor bc that's not a good place to be buried




hey so is steve okay


uh why


well clint texted me and said bruce almost killed him


oh he's fine. if bruce hurt him we would have heard smashing. and the tower would have collapsed. i hope bruce is okay.


and steve too


i love him but god he's infuriating sometimes


i'm still completely pissed at  him but i know he meant well. but i'm still fucking mad


yeah i feel


i wonder if peter's okay


oh by the way peter's trans


and wade's. oh golly. i think he's just a drag queen but he may be genderfluid idk i'll have to ask


he's pansexual though. not that sexuality has to do with gender but i know his sexuality so


and they're in our larger trans superpeople club but not our trans tower club bc they don't live here


that's so cool


and none of you knew? about me?


well i mean honestly i just take people at face value so i'm not like, searching. like. if you say you're a guy you're a guy i'm not looking for "trans tells"


that last part hurt to type


yeah. i don't really care tbh i don't get dysphoric a lot. i think i used to but ever since all my memories got messed with i'm very chill with how i look and stuff


the only reason i wasn't gonna tell is just because i'm not comfortable with people knowing so much about me honestly i can't have secrets anymore bc my mind has been open and on display


and im glad fury kept this secret for me and i just wanted it to be mine you know like i wanted to be normal in at least one way


okay well one being trans doesn't mean you're not normal even though i know it feels that way a lot. and i'm rlly sorry steve told your secret.


yeah. well. same.


i'll come downstairs now so


ok cool i will accompany you





{ look at this art by my fave artist Kevin Wada and tell me it doesn't just make your crops flourish

{ look at this art by my fave artist Kevin Wada and tell me it doesn't just make your crops flourish

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but anyways! thanks for reading these! I can't believe I'm still updating after this long. special thanks to all you long-time homies keeping up after all this time.

and hopefully you like my character development! as a trans nonbinary person I've been waiting for trans marvel fics and then I thought, oh, why don't I just write them? so anyways. thanks! don't forget to vote! }

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