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Bianca's POV

A feeling of contentment washed over me as I surveyed the empty tray before me. The flavors of the chicken noodle soup and the warm, crusty bread lingered on my palate, satisfying my hunger. Leaning back against the pillows, I allowed my body to relax and bask in the afterglow of a satisfying meal. With a contented sigh, I closed my eyes and let the sensation of the warmth from the food radiate through my body. 

The roaring storm outside had finally calmed. The dark gray clouds disappeared, leaving behind the last bit of light from the now-setting sun. The sun's last few rays were peaking through the window, shining their golden light into the room. Staring out the window from the bed. The room grew still in Cane's absence, and a sense of restlessness crept over me. Without his comforting presence, my wolf stirred within, restless and eager for his return. Memories of the tumultuous events, banishment from the pack, the terrifying captivity I endured, and the subsequent rescue felt hazy, as if they were fragments of a fever dream. 

The door creaked open, and a different woman entered the room; she looked much older than the previous nurses, Kayla and Brett. She wore a long white lab coat over her blue scrubs; I guessed she was a doctor instead of a nurse. Her scent was profound. It captured my attention as soon as she opened the door. She was radiant and beautiful. Her dark umber skin glowed in the rays of the sunset from the window as she stepped into the room. She must be of some alpha dependence, I gathered.

Her dark hair, adorned with strands of gray, was pulled back into a short ponytail, yet several rebellious strands escaped their confines, clinging to her forehead with beads of sweat. Despite the signs of exhaustion and the demanding nature of her work, her beauty shone through, accentuated by the high cheekbones and glowing skin that gracefully adorned her face.

In one hand, she held a clipboard, it's surface adorned with various papers and notes. I believed it was the same clipboard that Kayla, the previous nurse, had been diligently scribbling on. 

"Hello, dear. I'm Doctor Sylvia. How are you feeling?" Her voice carried a soothing tone, wrapping around me like a gentle embrace. "I'm going to check you, prepare you to be dispatched."

"Nice to meet you; my name is Bianca." I gave her a warm smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bianca," she responded, returning my warm smile with one of her own. Her eyes, a rich shade of chestnut brown, sparkled with kindness and understanding. They held a depth that seemed to mirror the warmth and compassion I had felt in her voice.

As she moved closer to the left side of the bed, her eyes met mine, and I found myself captivated by the familiar hue they shared with Cane's. The resemblance was striking, as if a thread connected them, hinting at a shared understanding and empathy. At that moment, as our eyes met, I felt a sense of comfort and reassurance. It was as if she understood the depths of my emotions and the challenges I had faced. And just like Cane, her presence gave me a sense of safety and trust, a reminder that I was not alone in this journey.

"Allow me to examine your eyes, ears, and throat," she explained, her voice carrying a soothing tone. With practiced grace, Sylvia retrieved a small red flashlight from her crisp white lab coat pocket.

"Let's start with your eyes," she continued, holding the flashlight delicately. "If you can, please follow the light." With a gentle flick of her wrist, she directed the beam of light into my right eye, its glow casting a soft, white hue. I focused intently, tracking its movement with my gaze. Then, she seamlessly shifted the light to my left eye, illuminating the depths within.

She murmured words of reassurance, "Good," floated in the air as she proceeded to examine my ears. With a swift yet gentle motion, she redirected the white glow, now tracing the contours of my ear canals. The light danced, illuminating the delicate structures hidden within.

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