"I think Zander is the one." Caleb said, unsurely yet he managed to sound so sure.

"Don't rush it, hun. Take your time and make a good choice. There are still two more weeks." Britt said widening her eyes when she said 'two more weeks'.

Oh my God! I've just two more days. I couldn't tell this to anyone. They may think I'm crazy. Caleb might faint by laughing too much and Britt may start crying, thinking that I'm mentally ill or something.

"Okay." I said something, finally.

The three of us were in silence and slept of after awhile. Silence does that to us sometimes.

By the time we woke up it was evening. Damn! We missed the lunch. But I wasn't hungry at all. I felt that Britt and Caleb were worrying too much thinking about my pathetic life. So, I chased the lovebirds out of my house, asking them to go out for a small outing, something more like a date. They did try to drag me along with them but I told them that I was a bit exhausted. They left me as such after grabbing hell lot of fruits from kitchen and throwing it all on me. They asked me to eat all of it before leaving.

I had grapes and an orange. Just then I thought about Ryan. Was he still mad at me or something? Should I text him or call him? These thoughts kept swirling in my mind and my food pipe got shut on it's own and I didn't feel like continuing with the intake of fruits either.

I grabbed my mobile and typed a text to Rebecca first.

Me: Hey! Is everything okay? Has Ryan come back?

Rebecca is my close friend and I didn't wanna beat around the bush, so I made it to the point.

Rebecca: Everything's fine but we miss you. :( Ryan's back. He looked like mess when he got back home. I think you should talk to him or at least text him. ;)

Rebecca can't be without smileys while texting, neither can I. But I use them only when I'm in normal mood and not when I'm badly confused and sad.

Me: Okay! Will do :) I miss you guys too :(

I sent her my last message, with smileys, of course, I also feel that a text message without them looks rude or something. Shoot my brain for thinking such weird things.

Should I text him or call him? I debated in my head and came to a conclusion that I would text him first and if he doesn't reply to it then I'll call him up and talk.

Awesome idea.

Me: Ryan, you okay?

I didn't know what else to send him. I thought of acting as if I hadn't noticed his angry state by texting him 'what are you doing?' or just a 'hi'. But I couldn't do it for stupid unknown reason.

I waited for along time and even stuffed lot of grapes in my mouth but he didn't reply yet. So, I texted him again.

Me: Are you mad at me for something?

That was my brilliant question. No, shit Sherlock. Of course he would be mad at me. I just wanted to send something.

By now, all of my grapes were gone inside my stomach and half the orange population too, no reply yet. I lost it.

I called him up.

He answered finally after million rings.

"Hello." That's it. Nice one Ryan. May be he was busy and couldn't read my texts.

"Ryan? Are you mad at me?" I don't know what was wrong with me. I was being so blunt today. I heard a small growl from his end and gulped.

"Just fuck off. Go kiss my cousin and do whatever you want with him. Just leave me alone." He yelled and hung up, leaving me speechless.

Kiss his cousin? Oh! Zander. Ryan must have thought so bad about me. Yeah, I feel like a top slut too but he didn't have to lash out on me like that. It did hurt like bitch.

I let the tears take over my overflowing emotions and buried my face in the pillows.

I hate myself so much.

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