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Last night, I didn't have a proper sleep at all. How am I gonna introduce these guys to Granny. One of them is my future husband and the other one came along like a bonus? That sounds ridiculous and hilarious.

My boyfriends? Why's that the plural form doesn't get eliminated in a sentence. Okay. How about I tel Granny, straight away that these guys are my mates or I'm their mate? Oh my gosh! Does she even know about werewolves and mates in first place?? Damn! I got hell lot of explanations to do. I can't lie to her about anything. She's the only one I've got. And moreover, she'll, somehow find out that I'm lying. She's too clever and wicked. Pft.

My another problem is, Ryan. Ryan was my ex, almost. Hehe. I can't give him such meaningful title either. We just went on a date and that's it. I know, I know, it shouldn't even be considered to be a thing.

Caleb, being my super awesome friend, thought that it'd be great if I started going out and chose Ryan to be the contestant. At first, I didn't agree but when I heard that Ryan didn't have a problem at all, I was okay with it too. Just a date, right? There was nothing to lose, that's what I thought. But I was gravely wrong.

I lost my precious time, my appetite, my dignity and my first kiss too. Let me elaborate on that.

Ryan took me to a posh restaurant, just to show off that he's got loads of money and crap, this is where I lost my dignity. He even gave me disgusted looks, which implied that he was looking down at me because I was a human and not a werewolf. I was highly pissed whenever he shot me that look. Because of these consecutive incidents, I lost my appetite and didn't eat a thing except for taking a sip of water.

Then we got back home and I didn't wait even for a second. I jumped out of the car and sprinted to my porch but he, easily caught up to me.


"What?" I asked a bit, no no, completely annoyed and pissed when he blocked my way to enter into my house.

"Our date isn't over, yet." He said with a stupid smirk on his face.

As I was thinking and playing several scenes from the movies, as of to guess what else we've missed in this wonderful date, Ryan kissed me, full on my lips. Asshole.

Since it was my first and long waited kiss, it felt so good and I even got goosebumps. But, the way he kissed was bullshit. He was stammering. It was my first kiss and I was supposed to be the inexperienced kid who does clumpsy stuffs but he was the one acting all clumpsy. I'm 200% sure this wasn't his first kiss. But why's he behaving strangely?

Unique Mate (#JustWriteIt)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora