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I didn't wanna be around Ryan at all. But he's my ride to and from school. I can't ask Zander either. So, I decided to text Austin and asked if he could drop me off at school. There are just four more days left for this week to get over which means I'd be out of this place, away from Ryan.

Austin agreed to be my temporary ride to school. I just told him that Ryan and I are not in good terms and nothing more than that.

As I stepped out of house, a hand held my hand and stopped me. I turned my head and yes, it was Ryan.

"What?" I spat. I don't know, it's so annoying to look at his face and whatever he'd said the previous night played in my head which only made the situation worse.

He closed his eyes and sighed before opening his crystal blue eyes.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked softly pointing to Austin, who was waiting for me and also watching this show freely and also listening to it with his ability.

"Just let go off my hand, Ryan." I said defeated, already. I couldn't think of any answer to his question. Why am I doing this? Simple. I don't wanna be around you. But my stupid heart is so soft that it wouldn't hurt anyone that easily but it gets hurt pretty fast.

"Please, listen to me, just once." Ryan pleaded. I, again fell for it for a second. He sounded so broken and hurt. But I'm a genius, right? I know about this blue eyed wolf boy more than anyone.


Shrugs at myself, internally. Who knows? I'm just saying.

Austin honked loudly and made Ryan to turn around. I used this chance and took off running to Austin's car. I knew that I can't outrun the werewolf, yet I sprinted like a cheetah.

I quickly hopped inside the passenger seat and only then glanced in Ryan's direction. He haven't moved from the place. His eyes were only on the car or more specifically me.

"Phew." I sighed and turned to Austin who was grinning at me.

Without wasting anymore seconds we took off to school and throughout the drive, this guy was only teasing me for the way I ran and that my face was priceless and crap. I only groaned.

When we got to school we stepped out of the car and I used my eyes to scan the surroundings for Ryan.

Not found.

Cool. A wave of relief washed over me. I'm alive to see another day.

"Calm down. He isn't around. Be here after school, okay?" Austin asked holding me sideways by my shoulder. I nodded and smiled at him.

"Cool." With that he left.

I turned left and found a very shocked Ashley frozen in her place, staring at me.

Oh! Crap. She must have thought that I'm cheating on her brother or something. The worst part is, she isn't a werewolf too. She wouldn't have heard anything what Austin had spoken to me. So, I rushed to her and explained everything. Though she gave a weak smile and believed what I had said, she looked hurt or something. There's seriously something bothering this poor girl and I'm gonna find that out soon.


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