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Ryan's POV:

I wonder what those girls were talking about right now. I was too happy when Kate joined us but was a bit sad too, because she had been avoiding me and hadn't talked to me for awhile. As much as it hurt like hell to stay away from her, I don't wanna make her hate me some more, though I have no idea what I'd done to her.

She had mentioned that I've done something during our date but I clearly don't remember me doing anything stupid other than gawking at her and... and eye raping her. Yeah, yeah that was so wrong. But she doesn't know about it and I'm not planning to tell her anytime soon either. Hehe. Come on, she was hot and all that.

Someone banged on my door really loud. Who the hell is so loud? I thought only I was loud here.

"Ryan Ryan Ry-" There was highly freaked out Ashley standing outside my door and screaming my name like a mad lady.

"What?" I snapped, completely irritated. I was deep in thoughts, not just any thoughts, thoughts about Kate, my mate.

"Kat- Kate is..." Ashley panicked. I got tensed too. My wolf was already squirming inside.

"What's wrong, Ash?" I caught her shoulders and shook her, violently.

"Kate passed out." She blurted out in low voice, already tears brimming her eyes up.

I left her standing in front of my room, just like that and rushed to Rebecca's room.

There, Kate was lying on Rebecca's lap, unconscious. That mere sight hit me so hard and I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I couldn't see her like this.

"What happened?" I growled at Becca in my alpha voice which I've never used it on my siblings before. I felt Ashley crawling up behind me, near the door. Not in mood to deal with her. If I just glare at her, in a serious way, she might cry for days and fall sick.

"We were just talking and she just fainted." Becca was hyperventilating too but she wasn't that weak and sensitive as Ash.

I carried Kate bridal-style and rushed downstairs. Becca and Ash rushed to inform the elders while I just ran to the doctor's house. We've a common pack doctor for both the packs.

I couldn't knock since I had Kate in my arms. Crap! I totally forgot about the mind link. I asked the doc to come out, in my alpha tone.

He opened the door and understood why I was here by looking at Kate in my arms, almost lifeless. Shit! That word sounds so scary.

He tried to take her from me but I'm so not in right mood to let anyone touch my mate. I growled and he backed off immediately.

"Ryan, let him take her." I heard Zander's voice behind me. I sensed others making their way in. Hearing Zander's voice only made my anger boil even more since he's one of the mate too. Argh.

I didn't turn around or even acknowledge him nor the others in the room. All I care about now is, Kate and only Kate, no one else.

Finally I handed Kate to doctor, Ben and saw him retreating with my mate to the room where all his medicinal stuffs had been kept.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and my body became stiff.

I turned around and came face to face with Zander. He's my cousin but I can't stand to look at his face after knowing we have got the same mate.

"What?" I snapped and glared at him. Our parents were enquiring Becca what the hell had happened back in the room. I badly wanted to mute these peoples conversations.

"Relax. She'll be fine, okay?" Zan said, still with his hand on my shoulder.

"I can understand but you shouldn't lose yourself and express your worries in the form of anger on others. Ryan, you're the alpha too and you gotta be stable even at situations like this. I know its hard but you gotta try." Zan lectured but he was right. He's the more matured, calm and collected one among the two of us. I like that about him.

I know I over reacted now but come on, my mate was lifeless, okay. I didn't know what was the cause and what else to do other than growling at others. Zan talking to me did put some sense into my thick head.

Ben(doc) came out of the room. The others came to mine and Zan's side and waited impatiently for Ben to open his mouth. Grandma Sadie was literally breaking her fingers by fiddling with it nervously, Aunt Sarah was squeezing Uncle Leonard's arms to keep her nervousness down but she failed miserably. My mom and my sisters were all holding on to each other while my dad was busy staring at Ben's mouth.

"She's a bit anaemic and to top it off, she was worked up too and that's why she lost it completely and passed out." He said.

Anaemic? Worked up?

Zan and I, turned to glare at the ladies who were supposed to be taking care of our mate and not let her faint due to anemia.

"Don't give us the look." Aunt Sarah raised her hand up, in surrender. Now, we had shifted our gaze towards my mom and Becca. Ashley goes to school so I know she wouldn't be able to look after Kate.

"Ryan, she loves Luna Sadie's cookies and cupcakes and she would always have that and less of meals." My mom confessed in a breath. I turned to Grandma Sadie.

"She loves my baking outputs." She smiled proudly, completely ignoring mine and Zan's death glares being directed at her.

"Grandma the guys are mad at you now." Becca whispered to Grandma and she just shrugged it off.

"So, how long will it take for her to wake up?" A random voice spoke up.

It's so wrong of me to address my own father as a random person but I'm not thinking straight at the moment. Thank God, the werewolves can't read minds. Else I would've been killed or prisoned long ago at the age of 5 itself. My dad yelled at me for something back then, and I punched him several times in my head.

"I just set her up with IV and she would feel better in few hours but wouldn't wake up. She would wake up only in the morning or afternoon. She needs some rest. I guess, she's worked up too much on something." Ben reasoned out.

"Before you guys could ask, yes, one of you can stay back with her, here." Ben said by giving a sly smile at Zan and me.

"Ryan would stay." Zander announced when I was halfway through opening my mouth to answer Ben.

I looked at him and he just patted me on my back before leaving Ben's house. The others followed him too but not before shooting me with hell lot of comments which mostly included 'take good care of Kate' and something along those lines.

I just nodded for everything and once they were out of the house, I ran to the room and stepped inside, slowly.

Kate was on the bed with IV on her right hand, rested on the bed and her left hand was on her stomach. Her head was tilted a little to the right.

I walked over, kissed her on forehead. It had been few days that I was walking around like a zombie in kiss deprivation but now I feel refreshed and charged.

There was a chair next to her bed, on the left side and a couch on the right. I sat down on the chair and held her free hand in mine and laid my head down on the bed, holding her hand. I'm so happy that she's okay but I hope that she wakes up soon.

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