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A/N: I didn't proofread.

After the unexpected accident of Ryan kissing me, yeah, I kissed him back too but after sometime he pulled back, to my surprise but something very very unexpected thing happened after that. I tried to run out for life but he dragged me down to his bed and wrapped his hand around my waist like a chain and pulled me towards him. I was facing away from him. I, obviously moved from my place due to the force and banged against his hard chest. He didn't try anything and asked me to sleep there. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get out of the death grip so I complied and slept off.

I was practically his teddy bear last night. I can't lie that I didn't like sleeping next to him. Yet, I'm gonna lie right now. Gosh! He was so so ... Have nothing to say. Sighs.

Oh! I'm in school right now. Unlike Zander, Ryan showed off too much in front of others and directly meant that I was with him now and we were like a thing now by holding my hand, waist and kissing my temple. Thank God! He haven't pecked me on the lips or anything.

'Not yet!' Oh! Just ignore that stupid inner voice. 

I couldn't bring myself to face Zander but he himself waved at me and gave me one of his adorable smile. I immediately melted and chased all the guilty feeling away and waved back at him.

Ryan, being the possessive pig, oops, possessive wolf he is, he huffed, grabbed my hand and dragged me in other direction.

It was so damn childish, if you ask me. I don't know how he passed as an Alpha of the pack. I gotta do some secret meeting with Rebecca and ask her about it.


Today's classes were hectic. I mean, the classes with Ryan were. The girls did give me dirty look when I stepped inside the school, hand in hand with Ryan and while leaving, his hand was snaked around my waist. I did like it.

See? I'm a whore. Frowns. Blame it completely on the mate crap.

As we got out of the car and walked inside the house, someone attacked me.

Rebecca Adams.

She slammed against me and dragged me aside in the process. My head took a 360° spin and I felt dizzy for few minutes. I couldn't hear her since the dizziness was taking over.

"Kate?" She waved her hand in front of my face and only then the I was back to normal.

"Yeah!." I answered attentively.

"I want you to meet someone." She blushed terribly. I think I know who that someone is. It has to be Simon, her mate.

She turned me around, again my head took a 360° spin but no dizziness now. There was a guy, obviously older than me, standing next to Ryan, smiling at me, us.

"That's Simon." Rebecca squealed.

See? I told ya. I'm a genius.

I said hi and he just waved at me. The three of us got piled up in Rebecca's room. Ryan left to do his alpha duties. I didn't wanna tag along with the lovebirds but Rebecca and Simon forced me to.

We talked for awhile. Simon seemed to be an awesome person and mate. And funny too. Rebecca and I kept laughing, clutching our stomachs most of the time.

I excused myself and ran off to my room, giving them some privacy.

After few minutes Rebecca texted to my mobile saying that he had left and also asked me to come over.

I got a sudden doubt now. So, I sprinted off to Rebecca's room.

She was staring off into space with her hand on her lips. Awe, she must be thinking about her kiss.

I cleared my throat and walked over to her bed. The blush was still there. On seeing me, it spread like wild fire. Hehe.

I chuckled and decided to shoot out my doubt before I could forget it.

"Rebecca? Why are you here and not in Simon's place?" I asked. I'm at my mates house which means she's gotta be in hers, right?

She sighed loudly and opened her mouth to explain, whatever her reason was.

"I don't wanna leave Ashley here, all alone." Though she sounded a bit sad about not being able to be with her mate, she managed to smile a bit.

Hearing this, a new level of respect got developed in my heart, for her. She's such a great sister.

"You're so sweet." I grinned and hugged her. She was surprised by my action but later on hugged me back too.

"Moreover, she's human too. I don't wanna leave her here when all the other members of the family would be busy with Alpha and Luna duties."

Yeah, that's sad and lonely. Wait, wait... Ashley's human?

"WHAAAAT?"  I screeched with my hands on either side of my face. I couldn't shut my mouth.

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