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The days at school were awkward between Connor and Troye for many reasons;

A.) They weren't used to not being near each other.

B.) They didn't speak or make eye contact.

C.) They sat near each other in a bunch of classes.

D.) They were assigned to work on a project together in art.

E.) Their lockers were close to each other's.

There are so many more reasons too, but too many to name.

They were both a complete mess without each other.

They missed each other's smiles.

They missed each other's breath-taking eyes.

They missed each other's touch.

They missed each other's kisses.

Their hugs.

The memories.

The way their hands molded together perfectly.

Just everything.

They missed everything.

Troye's life was total shit without Connor.

Connor's life was total shit without Troye.

They needed each other, and they knew they did.

Their lives were so different.

So... Lonely. Lonely and boring.

Troye felt bad for what he had done and caused between them. He really does feel terrible. Why did he think this was such a good idea?

He didn't want to go back to Connor yet, though, strangely enough.

So he decided to wait a week or two.

Maybe half a week.

Maybe three days...


Yeah, tomorrow. I just want us to go back to normal.


Connor had skipped three of his classes that entire day - the ones he had with Troye. He couldn't bear to look at Troye, as it was only a reminder of what had happened a couple weeks back. And it broke his heart even more to think of every time.

That was a lot of times.

Connor had to stay strong in front of his friends, though. They didn't know that the tables have turned and that Troye broke up with him. Hell, they didn't know that they had broken up yet at all!

But they didn't need to know.

Not yet.

Troye had begun to worry about Connor, as he hadn't been going to a few of his classes.

What have I caused between us? This is terrible.


It was the next day, and Troye was very determined to get his ex-boyfriend back to being his boyfriend again.

During their free period, Troye walked over to Connor's locker, where he stood alone. Not doing anything - just standing there.

"I'm sorry, Con," he says quietly. "I'm so sorry. I was so stupid."

Connor was a bit startled to see Troye there, really. But he was happy to see him at the same time.

"You weren't stupid. I was stupid to have not just run away from that boy," he says with a small sigh.

"No, but I was stupid. I still am. I did that only because I didn't want to lose you. I was scared that you were with someone else, and so I freaked out and said that. I can't forgive myself for what I've done, Connah. I messed everything up for us. It's all my fault," Troye says, shaking his head and looking down at the ground.

"Again, you're not stupid. You were scared. Not going to lie, I probably would've done the same thing you did if it we had switched places," Connor says quietly. "And it's not all your fault. This whole thing is partially my fault, as well. You weren't the one who messed up. I was."

"I miss you so much and I really, really need you. I was stupid to let you go. Can you please take me back? Please?" Troye didn't think Connor realized just how much the boy meant to him or how much he loved him. It was a lot.

Connor smiled and nodded. "I was waiting for you to give me that opportunity," he admits, and Troye's frown turns into a wide smile quickly. He hugs Connor tightly.

"Oh my god, thank you so much," he whispers. "I'm so glad you took me back. I couldn't live without you, no word of a lie. Those weeks I spent alone was pure torture."

Connor wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him close to him. He hugged him tightly as well. "Yeah, same here, to be honest."



"I hate you so much," Troye said with the widest smile that Connor's ever seen him give.

Connor smiled widely as well. "I hate you so much too."

A/N: Quite short, but I'm sorry, I couldn't keep you guys tortured for long! Hope you liked this chapter!

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