Chapter Ten:

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Regular POV

When you woke up Ryan was carrying you up to your room. "Um hi. Thanks for carrying me I guess." You announced. Ryan jumped and almost dropped you.

"Y/n I didn't know you were awake. I was taking you to your room." Ryan mumbled. He continued to stand there and hold you awkwardly.

"No it's cool I just woke up. Can you please set me down?" You asked.

"Oh yeah sorry y/n." Ryan responded setting you carefully on the ground. He walked by you up to your room. "Goodnight." Ryan added.

"Goodnight Ryan" You replied. You kissed him quickly on the cheek and stared at him for a second before quickly shutting the door.

"Y/n what did you get yourself into by doing that?" you thought. You always DID do things without thinking.

Ryan's POV

I set y/n down quickly. I walked up the stairs with her and walked her to her door. "Goodnight." I muttered shyly.

"Goodnight Ryan." y/n said. She pushed her bangs out of her eyes and leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. She glanced at me for a split second and quickly shut her door.

"What just happened?" I asked myself. "Does she actually like me? Is y/n just thankful for saving her life? What's going on? What about Felix?" Questions raced through my brain as I lay down on my bed and fell asleep quickly.

Regular POV

You changed into your pajamas and swiftly ran downstairs. You grabbed the teakettle and poured water into it. You turned on the stove and walked upstairs to grab your laptop so you had entertainment while your tea water warmed up. You went back downstairs and checked the water, which wasn't boiling yet. You opened your laptop and checked your YouTube channel.

"Hey y/n. What are you doing up so late?" Felix questioned.

"Making tea and checking my channel." You responded without even looking up. You heard the kettle scream so you turned off the stove and grabbed a cup and poured water in it before setting a chamomile teabag in it.

"Want some tea?" you questioned.

"Sure." Felix relied sleepily. You grabbed another mug and plopped the teabag and water in it before handing it to him.

"Thanks" Felix said, sitting next to you. He watched over your shoulder as you answered peoples questions and added a new playlist called "With Pewds" and added all the Felix and you videos to it. You saw a million comments that said "Is Ryan your boyfriend?" or "Is Felix your boyfriend?"

You went to photo booth, starting filming and said, "Hi guys it's y/n and I'm in Felix's living room. It's really late so I'm in my pajamas. Sorry for the shit quality, I'm filming on my computer. I've seen getting a lot of questions asking if Felix or Ryan were my boyfriend. I wanted to end the rumors here. Neither of them are my boyfriend. I would make a video to tell you guys if I had a boyfriend. So I just wanted to clear everything up. Pewds and Ryan are just my good friends that I'm living with for the summer. Have a good day or night or afternoon whatever time it is where you are! Please comment, subscribe and like!" You stopped filming and uploaded the video on your channel. "Now that that's done I'm gonna go to bed, night!" You said.

"Ok goodnight y/n." Felix replied. You walked up to your room and flicked off the light. You ran and jumped under the covers and slowly drifted to sleep.

Hey guys! Last chapter before I'm gone for a week/ 7days! I kinda suck at writing romance so sorry. I did a bit of RYAN POV, which I actually quite like. I hope you're having a nice summer or winter or whatever season your having right now ^___^ Please comment, review, vote, follow and like


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