About The Story

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Hey guys! I'm here with a YouTuber love story. I've never written a YouTuber x Reader before so please no hate if I mess up (I assure you I will). So this story is about you and PewDiePie. Sorry if the characters are a bit OOC.

DISCLAIMER: Marzia and Felix are super cute together and I want them to stay together. Anyone else think Pewds should man up and propose? Like him and Marzia are perfect together! I hate when stories have Marzia cheating on him or says he loves his bros more that her because that is ridiculous and she would never do that, she's too nice! But for the sake of this story Marzia won't exist.

y/n = your first name

l/n = your last name

~ Jessica

EDIT (10/1/14): I wrote this when I was 14 and I admit that this is worse than the quality than my current writing level. I will be going over this story and fixing all of it but I won't be doing that until I have time so it might be a while. Thanks for reading everyone :)

Life With PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now