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Dani and the rest of my friends were all complaining that I hadn't been spending a lot of time with them lately, which is true. I've been spending so much time with Zayn. I can't say no to him though. So when they all show up at my house at 4 the next day telling me that we are all going to a party together, I say yes. I love going to party with my girls, and I can really let lose. Not like when I'm with Zayn. Dani declares that tonight is a Zayn free zone, and I must go crazy to get rid of all the stress.

I end up wearing one of Dani's little black dresses. Its tight at the top, and flowy at the bottom and is really quite short. I know Zayn would never approve but I don't give a shit what Zayn thinks. He's not in charge of me. I've barely even talked to him all day anyway. I wear black heels to match my black dress, and the girls do my hair and make up. Its 8 when we finish, and we are all standing in front of the mirror in our small bathroom. "We look hot." One of my girls say, and we all nod. We did look really hot. We do some finishing touches, and leave home at 8.45, all piling into Dani's car. Since there's 8 of us, we have to sit on each others laps so we can all fit in. Pulling up at the party, you could see straight away it was going to be massive. I feel the complete opposite of how I felt when I pulled up with Zayn. I was scared but now I'm excited.

As we walk into the massive house, I hear people whistling and cat calling straight away. A blush creeps onto my cheeks before I look down. Even though this happened around school, with boys doing stuff like this, it still made me blush every time. A boy from the football team, Ollie walks up to me, bending down so I'll see him as I look at the ground. "I'm glad you finally shook of Malik. The rest of us need a bit of Madi too" he says with a smirk and I look up at him. I was about to tell him that I haven't got rid of Zayn at all, as if I even could, but I stop myself. Its a Zayn free night, so insted I just smile and nod my head. Two other boys walk up to us, holding cups for all of us, and the pass them around. "Skull 'em girls" Ollie says, and we all kind of look at each other to see of we think we should. "Fuck it. See you on the flip side girls" Dani says, before bringing her cup to her lips. We all follow her, skuling down the contents of the cup. Its really rather strong, and it burns at my throat, but when I get to the bottom, I take the cup from my face and see all the other girls still drinking. The boys all cheer and give me hugs, and it's kind of the last moment of the night I was myself.

After a little while, the drink started to get to me, and I knew I was pretty tipsy. Dani and I were on the dance floor, jumping around and dancing, while guys tried to grind on us. I didn't really mind though. I just wanted to dance with my best friend. I was on my forth drink now, and people just seemed to keep filling up my cup, which is quite nice of them. "I'm going to take a break" I say to Dani, basically yelling in her ear to be heard over the music. She nods and mouths me too, and we weave through the crowd, much to the disappointment of the boys. We are on our way to the kitchen to get more drinks, when something stops me in my tracks. Its Zayn. He sitting on the couch, lookig as gorgeous as ever, but his eyes aren't on me. His eyes aren't even open because he's making out with the slut that's sat on his lap. I don't know if that thing she's wearing can even classify as a dress. It covers like, half her bum, and is backless. Zayn doesn't seem to care though. I feel my eyes tearing up, but I can't pull them away from the horror I'm watching. I feel someone tug on my arm, and I turn to see Dani. I can tell she's seen it too. She told me this would happen. Her eyes are soft, and she gives me a quick hug. "Let's get smashed."

I was on my seventh drink now, and completely off my face, but having the best time. I'm glad Zayn's gone and not obsessed with me anymore. That means I can come to parties like this every weekend. I was playing beer pong with 3 boys from school, and I'm pretty sure they're all just trying to get me as drunk as possible. When the game finally ends, I've had a lot of shots, and I can't even walk straight, hanging onto a boys arm as he leads me around, not that I've got any idea where he's taking us. As we walk past the dining room, someone calls my name, and I turn to see a bunch of boys with cheeky little smirks on their lips. "Mads, come do a body shot" one calls. The guy I'm holding onto chuckles and I look up at him with a smile. "I don't know what it is" I tell him, my voice quite slurry as I lean my head onto his bicep. "Its fun, I promise. C'mon"

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