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  "Madi! Hurry up or you'll make us late again!"

Logan booms from the kitchen, making me roll my eyes in frustration.

"I told you already, give me a minute!" I yell back, putting on the finishing touches to my make up. I stand up, taking one last look at myself before smiling in approval. Not bad. I had a loose grey top that hung in a low v neck, and a pair of simple light denim shorts. My hair was braided over my shoulder, and my aviators hung from the neck line of my shirt. The things you find at second hand stores.

I pull on my converse that I had got for my birthday before locking up and grabbing my bag, jogging to the kitchen, to see Logan trying to get Benson to eat his breakfast. Dad worked two jobs, so he's not really home that often, so Logan and I basically raise Benson. He's a good kid though. Mum had him just before she left, and he's not even dads son, but he had no where else to go.

I grab a banana and start eating it, while he cleans up the mess Benson had made, before I take off his bib, and pick him up, holding him on my hip and putting my bag on the other shoulder.

"Lets go, let's go." Logan says quickly. He's definitely the panicky one. I'm a lot more of a mellow, go with the flow type. I walk out the door before him and he locks it behind me. We go over to the car that we both saved up to get and pile everything in while I strap Benson into his car seat. Oh, how I love mornings.

After dropping of Benson at daycare, we get to school just as the bell goes and run through the car park s we aren't late, again. We say good-bye to each other, and I open the door to calculus just as the late bell rings.

I'm standing in the door way, and give the teacher the cheesiest smile I can muster, knowing he could flip out at me or let it go. "Madalin-Jane..." he sighs, before gesturing towards my desk and I quickly walk over to it, sitting down.

"Sorry" I mumble as I pass him.

"One day you will arrive on time, and it will be the happiest day of my life" he sighs.

After health class, and then a horrific double of English, it's finally time for lunch. Praise the Lord. Ad I walk down the hall ways with my best friend, Dani to go drop my books of at my locker, we discuss her potential relationship with the head jock, Davin.

Bless, they'd be so cute together.

As we round the corner, I see Them all surrounding my locker. My eyes widen as I look over each of them, confused about why the would want to talk to me.

"What do they want?" Dani whispers and I shrug my shoulders.

"I've no idea" I mumble.

It was them. That group at school who even I avoided. The boys who got suspended seemingly every week, whose bodies were littered with tattoos and who slept with different girls every weekend, only to ignore them when Monday came around. The bad boys.

They were all in a circle around my locker, with one leaning on it. Dani and I exchange glances before we start to walk towards my locker. Maybe they're not really there for me. Maybe they're just talking and happen to have stopped outside my locker. Yeah, that's probably it.

As we walk over, one of them looks up and spots us, and a smirk spreads across his lips before he nudges the one leaning against me locker. Soon he's staring at us walking over, that smirk plastered on his lips too, as I stare down at the ground.

"Excuse me" I mumble, needing to get my things from my locker, and he steps to the side, eyes still glued on me though. See, I knew they wouldn't be here for me. I put away my books at a speed that could probably be a record before locking it and turning to walk away.

As I think I'm almost free, I feel a big hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me back. He gently pushes me into my locker, and he stands near centimeters away from me.

One of his hands lays on my hip, his thumb grazing across it while the other is on the locker, right next to my head. That smirk is still plastered on his lips as he looks down at me, and those dark eyes look even more beautiful from this close.

It's Zayn Malik.

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