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My eyes snap open to the sound of my phone ringing, and I quickly scramble to get it before it wakes up Benson. In my rush, I catch a glimpse of the clock which reads 3.17, before grabbing my phone, and pressing the little green phone button so it will stop ringing, before looking at Benson. He stirs slightly but is still asleep, thank God. I pull the covers over my head before bringing the phone to my ear. "...ou there Madi?" I catch, knowing it was him straight away. "Yeah" I whisper, wondering what he could possibly want at 3 in the morning. "Baby, daddy needs you" he mumbles, his voice sounding a bit strained. I furrow my eye brows, having no idea what he's talking about before it hits me. Shit. "Zayn..." I warn him quietly, since this is not happening, but I'm only rewarded with a staggered breath from his lips. That's when I realise what he's doing and my eyes widen. "Zayn, are you..." "Mhm. Help me out baby. Touch yourself for daddy" he says, slowly. Holy shit his voice. "Benson's right..." "I don't care" he says, cutting me off again. He can't honestly expect me to do this. I've never even done this before. He must realise that the silence is me thinking it through. "Go to the living room and shut the door. Just like we d-did the night of the storm" he tells me, His voice a bit softer, but still demanding. "Okay daddy" I whisper, a groan leaving his lips as soon as he hears me say it. "Good girl."

I'm sitting cross legged on the couch, with all the doors closed so I can talk to him without anyone hearing. "Fuck baby. What's would do to you if you were with me" he says, and I blush softly. "Are you touching yourself yet? I need you to make a tiny bit of noise" he pleads. He knows I don't want to wake anyone, since I told him a million times, but he wants something to get off to. "I... I um, I don't know how" I whisper, and I hear him sigh. "I'm sorry" I mumble, feeling like I had let him down. "It's okay. I just forget how innocent you are" he mumbles, speaking easier now so I presume he's stopped. "I'll teach you" he says, the smirk clear in his voice. "No thank you , I'm okay" I tell him quickly, not really wanting to do it. "Put a blanket over your lap" he tells me, ignoring what I had said and for some reason I do it. "Zayn, I really don't want to." "Put your hand into your panties." "Zayn, I'm not...." "Madalin. Follow the rules and be a good girl" he tells me, making me frown a bit, but I do as he says because I don't want him to yell or get mad. "Okay" I mumble sadly, before I hear him chuckle. "You trust me right baby? I won't let you do anything you're not ready for. Do what I tell you and you'll love it. Now you should feel I little bump type thing. Do you feel it?" He asks, his voice still soft and demanding. "Mhm" I hum. "Rub it" he says, and I sigh again before doing what he says. Damn it, he's right again and it does feel good. I let out a shaky breath, and I can hear him move around a bit before he's back to moaning again in a few seconds. "Daddy, it doesn't feel like when you do it" I whine softly, since I want it to feel that good. He told me I'm to only call him daddy right now. "I know baby, I'm sorry. Tomorrow night, I pronise" he coos softly. He had to go out somewhere tonight, he wouldn't tell me where though. I let out a barely auditable whimper, but I wasn't going to be any louder. Zayn was moaning loudly on the other line, but he didn't have to worry about his family hearing him. "Pretend it's daddy's fingers." He offers and I closing my eyes and pretending. "Harder Daddy" I whisper, knowing he'll like it. "Fuck. Yes baby, just like that. Daddy's going to Fuck you so hard you won't walk for weeks" he mumbles, and for some reason that disgusting talk gives me butterflies. "I'm going to come baby girl. Come with daddy" he tells me and I nod even though he can't see. I hear him coming undone, and I do the same, only much quieter. When he finishes all I can hear is his loud breathing. "Such a good girl" he whisper, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

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