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She listens to me carefully as I tell her about my dad being sick, and how I'm freaking out and how I just need her to be here, and she nods softly, telling me She understands. Her eyes travel over my face as I talk, watching the different muscles move and I can tell that she concentrating on what I'm saying. That's another thing I missed about her. The way she listens to me. When I finish, she kisses my forehead softly, telling me that it will be okay, and that she's here now. She apologises that she couldn't be here sooner, but apparently she couldn't find any pants. I smile softly at that, and hide my head back in her neck, letting her hold me and whisper softly in my ear. I'm not to sure what she's saying. It might be a song or something but it's relaxing.

After an hour of just sitting there while she held me together, I sit up again, looking at her. "You look so exhausted" she mumbles softly, frowning a little bit. I nod my head, taking a strand of her hair that had escaped the bun and twirling it around my finger. "I haven't been sleeping that good" I admit with a shrug, and she nods, starting to trace some of the tattoos on my arms. "Why?" She asks quietly, looking back up at me. Her blue eyes catch me like they always do, but as she goes to look away, I have to catch her chin to stop her. "Don't, I need your eyes" I mumble. I had a weird thing for her eyes. They were perfect. They would always calm me down in an instant, and I loved staring into them. They said so much that she didn't even realise. They way they popped and had words of their own never fails to surprise me. "I um... you weren't there" I say quietly, blushing a little since I was about to tell her something pretty embarrassing and I was trusting her with it. "I have like... night mares" I mumble, looking over her shoulder to save myself her reaction. "They keep you up?" She asks softly, kissing my temple as if to tell me it was nothing to worry about, before I nod. "They wake me up" I correct her quietly, feeling really stupid. "That's um... that's why I make you stay with me so often. Because I can sleep when you're there" I tell her. "Are they every night?" She asks, and I find the courage to look back at her, to see that she's frowning slightly. I shake my head, and she cups one of my cheeks, running her thumb under my eyes. "Go to sleep now" she mumbles, looking at me. She doesn't look like she thinks I'm s freak, but maybe she's just good at hiding it. "Will you stay?" I ask, and she nods, taking one of my hands. She turns it so my palm is facing the sky, and starts to trace patterns on it. I stay quiet for a while, just watching the beautiful girl that I was lucky enough to call mine. Even if it was only by the rules I had set her. "You said I had anger problems" I whisper, since that was one of the few things that kept repeating in my head. She looks up at me with sad eyes and shakes her head. "I didn't mean anything I said that day, I promised. I don't mind if you get grumpy sometimes. It's okay." She tell me softly. "You need to go to sleep darling. I'll be here the whole time" She tells me, kissing my cheek. Oh how I wish I could just kiss her, but I can't wreck this. She crawls of my lap, and I desperately grab her leg, scared she was going to leave me. She sits back down next to me, giving me a small smile to say it's okay, before laying me down so my heads in her lap. I link my fingers with hers, and she plays with my hair with the other hand, and all to soon, I'm consumed by sleep

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