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Zayn and I sit in his car outside my house; me staring at the front door and him staring at me. I had tried to get out, but he told me to stay for a minute, and I knew better than to say no. It's against his rules. When he had originally stated them, I thought they were just for the night. I hoped they were just for the night, but as I got dressed back in his room, he asked me if I remembered his rules, before telling me them again. "You listen to me, you don't tell me no, you stay with me, and above all else, you are mine" he had reminded me, and his low voice kept saying the words over and over in my head. While his dark words whirl through my head, his gentle, calloused fingers are pressed to the side of my chin, forcing me to look over at him. Every time I think I cant take any more of this, one look into those eyes keeps me hanging on. They speak every word he doesn't tell me. Whether its that he's so mad, he's trying not to attack me and beat the shit out of me like he would to any of the boys that ignored him like I had, or if it was that he needs me to stay and not be afraid of him, his eyes said it for him. "I'll see you on Monday, yeah?" he mumbles softly once he knows that he's got my attention, and I give him a little nod. I had been worried he'd want to come inside. I didn't want him to see the way I lived. Even though the house looks like a crapper from the outside, he's not said anything about it, or even look surprised at all. "You have my number?" He asks, brushing some hair behind my ear as I nod again, his eyes still glued to mine before I look down. I hear a chuckle escape from his lips, and his fingers are back on my chin, guiding me back to his eyes again. "You call me if you need anything, okay? I don't care what time it is" he says, rising an eyebrow afterwards, as if he's asking me if I understand. I nod my head again, and the hint of darkness that had plagued his eyes disappears again. He just wants to keep me safe, even if that means having to be stern with me. "Good girl" He whispers, leaning over to my and pressing his lips to my forehead again. "Run along now, sweetheart. You know where to find me."

The thunder rolls through the house, shaking at the windows and making them sound like they would shatter under the pressure at any second. It was Sunday night, 2.17 am and I was hiding under all the covers in my bed as the sky starts to roar yet again. Benson was sleeping soundly in the bed right next to mine, unaware of the war going on outside. I'd always been terrified of storms, ever since I was a little girls, except unlike most people, my fear never went away. I didn't want to wake my dad because he was so tired. He only gets one day a week off of a week, so he was exhausted. I knew he wouldn't be mad, but I feel like 18 is a little too old to be running to my parents bed because of a thunderstorm. Logan wouldn't mind either, but he was staying at Alana's tonight. Stupid cute relationships. I peak out from under the covers just long enough to grab my phone from where it lay on the floor by my bed, before snapping the covers back over my head as the room suddenly lights up with a loud crack, causing a whimper to fall from my lips. I scroll through my inbox until I see his message there from Friday night, and dial his number, holding the phone to my ear. I hope he isn't angry. I hope the soft Zayn picks up the phone, not the dark one. "'Madi? Babe, what's wrong?" He asks, sounding panicked but sleepy, in that morning voice I had only heard once before, but already loved. "I'm um..." I mumble in a whisper, trying to find the words to confess to one of the scariest people I have ever met in my whole life that I'm scared of the storm. "Babe, tell me" he urges me quickly, probably thinking I'm in an alley getting stabbed or something. "I'm scared of the storm."

I hear a chuckle fall from his lips, and I frown a bit, thinking he's laughing at me. This is stupid. I shouldn't have even called him. Why did I think he would understand? "Of course you are. You're so cute" he mumbles, the smile evident in his voice as he talks. "Do you want me to come around?" He asks, and I can hear him moving around a bit, probably standing up from his bed. "Oh, no, that's okay. You don't need to do that" I whisper, shaking my head even though he can't see. "I'll be there in 10 minutes babe. Will you be okay until then? Or do you want me to stay on the phone while I drive?" he asks me as I can hear him moving around, and a little smile moves to my lips. "Stay on the phone please,"

I'm sitting out in front of the front door, my duvet blanket still wrapped around me as I wait for Zayn to arrive, still having our hushed conversation over the phone. I lean my back against the door, listening to him telling me a story about what him and the other lads had got up to today, knowing he was just trying to distract me. I was sitting outside because I didn't want to wake anyone up, but out here, everything was so much louder, and the rain was herder, and the lightening brighter. He tells me that he is pulling into my street before hanging up, and soon I see him park out the front then come running over to me. I had tears of terror running down my cheeks and he quickly gets out of his car before jogging towards me. He crouches down next to me, pulling me into his arms and holding me close to him, as he rocks me back and forth slightly. He's only wearing a pair of fat pants, and his chest is wet from the rain, but I don't mind at all. I feel safe with him. "Why are you outside baby? You'll get ill. C'mon love, lets get you inside" he mumbles in my ear before he easily picks me up, and opens the front door, shutting it behind him almost silently. "Where's your room love?" He whispers into my ear, his lips grazing across it. "We can't go there. I share a room with Benson and he's sleeping" I explain. Zayn nods before taking me to the living room and setting me down on the couch, shutting the door after we walk through it so we won't be so loud. I love how he's acting like this is such a big deal, even though it's just a thunderstorm. "Give me some blanket." he says as he lays down on the couch, and I do, before he pulls me so I am laying on top of his chest, looking down at him. He wraps his arms around me and I let out another whimper as another round of thunder beats out the house, squeezing my eyes closed as I cower into his chest. "Shh baby girl. Shh, it's okay. It's not going to hurt you, I promise. I won't let it" he coos softly, running his finger through my hair as I feel his grip tighten on me. "You're okay babe. I've got you now. You're okay" he whispers, and continues to do so before I fall asleep in his arms.

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