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I'm what sorry? He can't just stake a claim on a human being like that! I find myself wishing for the millionth time that I wasn't so nice. I should push him away from me or kick him and tell him to fuck off. But instead, I feel myself nodding when he asks a low "do you understand?" I feel the smirk creep back over his lips as they're still pressed to my skin, and he kisses a few more times before pulling away. "Good girl" he says softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I'm still confused about how gentle he is with me. He's invasive, and demanding and controlling, but he's all gentle and soft and careful. At least with me. He acts as if he might touch me too hard, or even talk too loud and I'll break in his arms. I probably would.

He steps back, setting me free of the cage he trapped me in, before wrapping his arm around my waist and starting to walk me towards the lit up house, that's music was way, way too loud. I feel his thumb grazing across my hip, as we walk. If Dani was where he is standing, and all my other friends were here too, I would be so amped for a really good night. But I'm stuck here with Zayn, and I can't even go see my friends because I have to stay by Zayn the whole time. He makes more rules than my dad does. I look around as we walk up the path, drunk people already laying on the front lawn. "Madi!" Someone yells at me, their voice heavily slurred and I look over to see one of the boys from the basketball team, sitting on the ground, a bottle in either of his hands. All class. "Hey Matt" I smile, giving him a wave over my shoulder since Zayn wouldn't stop walking. I hear what can only be described as a growl fall from his lips, and he holds me a bit closer to his side. His jaw is tense and his eyes narrow, but his thumb is still gently running tracks over my hip. I look away from his angry face, and back at the party. Just try to have fun, Madi.

Once we get inside, we are both passed red cups full of a mystery liquid and Zayn sips at his without questioning it. It could be petrol for all we know. I look at my cautiously, smelling it, not even realising Zayn watching me. "It's vodka and cranberry juice" he says with a light laugh. He almost sounds happy. I look up at him and see a big smile on his face as he looks down at me, and I can't help but let one creep over my lips too, before looking down and taking a sip. "So cute" I hear him whisper, even though I don't think I was meant to, before he pulls me closer and we start to walk through the party again.

He takes me out the back to where there's a big fire pit, and in the light that's provided by it, I can make out the faces of Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis. Great. He doesn't slow down as we go on the grass, obviously not caring that I had massive heels on. I already had to take 3 steps for one of his massive strides. When we get to the fire, there's chairs arranged all around it and Zayn sits in one. I walk over to another one, but I feel his grip around my wrist, pulling me back. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me down to sit on his lap. When I'm seated, his arms wrap around my waist, pulling my back against his chest, and his chin rests on my shoulder. "I'm not going to drink anymore, so you go ahead and go crazy" he says quietly in my ear. I would, but not with you, or around these people. Zayn keeps his chin rested on my shoulder as he follows the conversation between the rest of the boys, encouraging me to drink every so often. I'm a pretty small person, and I know that if he keeps getting me to drink like this, I'm going to be comatosed on the ground by mid night.

"I bet I can sleep with that blonde girl there by the end of the night" I hear from Harry across the fire. I hadn't really been following their conversation, but that snapped me out of my thoughts. "No way. She's basically a nun" Zayn's voice laughs from right next to my ear. It's way louder than I've ever heard it before. "Whose he talking about?" I ask Zayn, and he takes one of his hands from around my waist and points to a girl with long blonde hair. She's my science lab partner. "That one there" he says, returning to the quiet voice He always spoke to me in. "That guy with black hair is her boyfriend" I say, looking at them. She'd never sleep with Harry. "She's got a boyfriend" Zayn says, talking to all the other boys as he pulls me a bit closer to him, getting comfortable again. "I thought you feel asleep there for a while" he chuckle quietly, kissing my shoulder. I shake my head, looking down at my almost empty cup. "Drink up." He instructs, putting his fingers on the bottom of the cup and lifting it up towards my lips. I take another sip before putting it back on my lap. "Good girl."

After another hour or so, Zayn's convinced me to finish the cup, and the rest of his, and we are still sat in the chair. His legs are probably asleep, but he's not said anything to me about it. What a gentleman. I'm leaning back into his chest, not because I want to, but more to just stay sitting, as he's only talking to me now, not worried about what the others are talking about. He whispering in my ear about something, but I'm not even to sure what it is. It might be a song. All I know is that it's really calming. I close my eyes for a second, and when I open them again, Zayn's lifting me off of his lap and sitting me back down in the chair. "We'll be back in a second" he tells me, and I watch them all walk away. The second they leave, I see Dani sprinting over the lawn to me. "Oh my God, how are you? Are you okay? What's going on? Tell me everything" I laugh at her, nodding my head a bit. "I've drunk quite a bit though" I laugh, hiccuping afterwards. I wasn't completely drunk, but I was definitely tipsy. She stays with me while they are gone, and soon the boys all come walking back. "Oh my god" Dani whispers. I bet they've just been in a fight. Zayn's lip is cut, and bleeding, and I watch as he spits out some blood. The rest of them have a few cuts too, and are a bit ruffled up. "You should see the other guys" Louis laughs as he sees us both looking at them. I can only imagine what happened to the other guys, but I'm pretty sure they'd be a lot worse off the these guys. Zayn stands over me and Dani scampers away again. He takes my wrist pulling me up, muttering a "we're going" and starts to pull me back towards the house. He only stops to take of his leather jacket and help me put it on, before storming all the way to his car and getting in. Greeeaat.

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