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He strides out the front door of school and I recognise his car as he pulls me toward it. This is not good. It's not good at all. He reaches in his pocket for the keys, and presses the button to unlock the car before opening the passengers door. "Get in" he says, not meeting my eyes and just staring across the car park. When I don't move, he bends down to my level and picks me up, putting me into the SUV, before leaning over me and doing up my belt and slamming the door, walking to the other side and getting in. I know there's no point in running. He would just catch me and he would be even more mad. In the other times I had seen him like this, he had tried to calm himself down, but this time he didn't. He was too far gone. "Zayn..." I try softly, hoping it would calm him down somehow, as if I could remind him it's me and he'll stop. He doesn't respond, instead turning the car off and pulling out way faster than he should, sending my hands to grasp anything they could so I didn't get tossed around like everything else in the car is. I've never been so intimidated, especially by someone who saw he would never hurt me. I didn't know if he would. By the lock in his eyes, this isn't even the same person who made these promises to me. He's completely different. He's that demon inside him.

The only sound the whole car ride is his heavy breathing, and the sounds of the car. It became apparent we were going to his house as I recognised some of the violent turns he took. That scared me, because his room was so far away from everything else. He could do whatever to me there and no one would ever know. He pulls up at his house still looking as angry as ever before he gets out of the car. I don't move, too scared of everything. He's going to beat me or something, I know it. He walks to my side and pulls the door open with such force, I swear it almost comes off the hinges. His eyes land on mine as I still don't move, and he groans out in annoyance before he undoes my belt and lifts me off of the chair. I can feel how tense he is underneath me, and it doesn't stop as he strides toward his bedroom. Oh god. I'm going to be killed by the man who I cuddled with last night. He unlocks the door, pushing it open before laying me on the bed. "What are the rules?" He growls, those being the first words he's spoken since he told me to shut up back at school. He puts me down, leaving me standing in the middle of the room before taking a step back so I could see just how angry he was. "Answer me Madalin" He says quietly through clenched teeth. His eyes are narrow, his fists balled at his sides. His chest is rising and falling faster the normal, and his lips are pressed together. "I... I uh, have to stay with you, and listen, and not say no and I-I'm yours" I stutter out quickly, hoping if I did as he said now he would calm down. "So why is it that you break everyone of these?" He asks, mocking me again. "Huh?" he teases, stepping closer to me again. "If you're so determined to show yourself, take it off" he says lowly, running his finger under the hem of my shirt. Oh goodness. "Zayn..." I whisper, my tone warning as I take a step away from him. His hand finds the small of my back, pulling my back to him again. He takes the bottom of my top, pulling it over my head and throwing it on the ground before I can stop him. "That's what you want, right? Everyone being able to see you?" he growls. I want to tell him that this is different. That wearing a crop top is not like no top at all, but my voice won't work. I'm too scared. His big hands find the button on my jeans and he quickly undoes them, pulling them down. "What're you doing?" I whimper, tears brimming in my eyes as I look away, trying to take a step back. He catches my chin in his hand, pulling my face back to look at him. "Why're you crying?" he asks, eyes still harsh as he raises an eyebrow. I don't answer straight away, but he tilts his head inquisitively. "I-I... you're scaring me" I whimper barely audibly as my eyes drop shut, and I feel the tears running down my cheeks. He stays still for a few seconds, seeming to consider his next move, before he picks me up again. I keep my eyes shut, too scared I will catch a glimpse in the darkness in his. I feel the softens of his bead underneath me, and all the worst things come to my mind. I keep my eyes shut, crying as I feel him leave the bed, only to return seconds later. I feel him take one of my wrists, and soon his soft lips are pressed against the inside of it, before I feel something tight and scratchy around it, and my eyes snap open. I see a length of rope tied around my wrist and my eyes widen as I try to pull my hand from his grip as I scamble to get away from him. "Stop, Madi, baby, stop" He says quickly, letting go of my wrist and cupping each of my cheeks with his big hands, forcing me to look into his eyes. They're still so dark, almost black. "Do you trust me?" He asks, looking deep into my eyes, his thumbs, swiping the tears off my cheeks. His question takes me by surprise. That's probably the last thing I would have expected him to say. I think about it for a second. Him running after me as I tried to get away, and then comforting me as I cried and fixing up my cuts. How quietly he always talks to me, and even now in his anger, he's never raised his voice. The way he talks to Benson and how he made him breakfast and how he came over a midnight when I was scared. I find my head nodding before I can think of anything else, because I think even though we had only just met, I did trust him. He looks into my eyes for a while longer, seeming to be exploring them, or almost lost in them. Even though this isn't the gentle Zayn, it's still him. I feel like I'm sitting next to a demon, an evil, dark spirit in a perfect, flawed body. "I won't hurt you. Just trust me."

He pulls away from me when I nod, and tears are still trailing down my cheeks as I watch him finish tying that one wrist, before he brings it behind my head and loops the ropes around the bar on the bed head. He takes my other wrist, kissing over it before he brings it above my head too, tying it to the other end of rope. I try to pull on it, but he's secured me there. I can't get away. He pulls back once he sees I can't get away and his dark eyes travel over me. Soon, his finger tips join in and I close my eyes again. I kept telling myself to trust him, but the tears running down my cheeks didn't get the memo. "I thought you were a smart girl... that you would listen to instructions. But instead, you do the opposite." He mumbles. I don't know why me not changing got him so mad. I had been ignoring him though, and I told him no when he tried to leave. I guess I did break all the rules. "I thought you were a good girl..." he continues, shaking his head, glancing back up at me. I know he could see me crying, but he didn't seem to care right now. He knew that I was safe, and that nothing would hurt me. He knew I had no reason to be crying, so he could let himself go. "I know you're a virgin." He say, his voice dark. Everyone knew that. I was the trophy all the boys wanted to claim. Have the title of taking cute, little Madalin's virginity. Not like this though. I knew he wouldn't. I hoped he wouldn't. He keeps his big eyes on me as his hand travels further down, only drifting away as he reaches the top of my panties. I pushes them down a little to look at the love bite he had left there the other day, brushing his thumb over it with a smirk. He starts to tug them down, but I press my legs together, trying to stop him. He looks up at me, prying my legs back apart. "You want them left on?" He asks, confirming what he thought I must be doing, and I quickly nod. He nods a bit before looking down again, trailing his fingers up the inside of my thigh. I am frozen in fear beneath him, watching his every move with wide eyes. He moves back up again so he's hovering just above me, as I feel his fingers slipping into my panties. "Zayn..." "Shh" he hushes me softly as he moves his legs in between mine, then spreading his legs to get mine apart. I feel his finger brushing over my clit and my eyes get impossibly larger. "Has anyone touched you here before?" He asks in a whisper, his eyes glued to mine as I shake my head. "You're going to love this." he mumbles. He trails his fingers downwards, lubricating them before coming back up, and rubbing circles over the sensitive nub. My mouth drops open as my eyes flutter closed. Oh my god, this is amazing. I hear a chuckle comes from his lips, as he picks up the pace, before his lips are pressed to my cheeks, kissing at the trail of tears from earlier. It was weird that we had never kissed, yet he was doing this to me. For me. I want to tell him how good it feels, but I can't manage to find the words but a moan falls from my lips instead. "I know baby. I know" he coos softly, as his lips trail down my neck. I feel him stop, and I let out a whimper before I feel one of his fingers enter me. Oh my word. He leaves it there, unmoving for a second, giving me some time to adjust to this foreign feeling, before he starts to move it in and out. Another moan falls from my lips. I've never felt anything remotely this good before and I'm loving every second on it. I feel him trying a few different ways of doing it before a shot of pure pleasure pulses through me, and my back arches of the bed. "That spot just there baby?" he mumbles and returns his finger to it, hitting it again and again as he thrusts his finger in. "I wanna touch you" I plead, pulling on the restraints as hard as I can, but that only makes them tighter around the tender skin. "No, you were naughty" he mumbles and I let out a loud moan, rolling my head to the side. "Baby, look at me" I hear him mumble, but it sounds do far off. I'm lost in the pleasure. I try to do as he says, rolling my head to look at him, but as he hits that spot again, it rolls away. I've got no control. He must realise this, because I feel his hand on my chin, guiding it back to look up at him, and he places a kiss on each of my eyelids. "Just open your eyes" he mumbles, and after a bit of a struggle, I manage to do it. Moans and whimers and leaving my mouth with every breath, and I'm greeted instantly with his eyes. My breathing is heavy as he leans his forehead against mine, him whispering encouragement for me to keep my eyes opens as the pleasure causes them to keep slipping closed. "Z-Zayn... my, my tummy" I whimper, my eyes wide at the unknown feeling in the pit of my stomach. "I know baby. You're going to cum. Just relax baby, I've got you." he whispers, looking into my eyes still. "Uh, uh, eyes open" he reminds me again. "Zayn..." "Good girl baby, just relax." he coos again, and I feel something creeping inside me, like I'm going to explode. "Z... D-daddy" I moan, surprised by the words coming from my own lips. I hear a groan come from his lips as my words seem to push something inside him, his hand only going faster, "I'm right here baby. Daddy's got you, You're okay baby." He mumbles as I feel myself start to shake a tiny bit, my eyes widening as I unknown pleasure take me over, filling every peace of my entirety. My back arches off the bed, and in the distance, I can hear the familiar voice mumbling "Good girl."

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