Zodiac Signs & things they are in a garden

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Aries: Bumble bees that come from far away just to pollinate each flower in order for them to grow large and beautiful. You provide everyone with a sense of hope, and are just downright adorable.

Taurus: Cold water soaking deep down into the soil. You are vital for everyone's survival, even though not everyone might notice it all the time. You provide the plants with comfort and give them the ability to grow.

Gemini: Ladybugs and butterflies fluttering through the leaves and plants. You brighten everyone's day when you say hello and are vital to the survival of the garden.

Cancer: Sweet nectar dripping off the petals of each flower. You provide sweetness and beauty into the lives of everyone in and around the garden. Without you, the garden would feel empty.

Leo: Deep, luscious soil enriched with nutrients for the plants. You provide a safe, solid foundation for everyone in the garden, and provide the nutrients for others to grow into beautiful, luscious plants. Without you, the garden wouldn't exist.

Virgo: The roots that bury deep down into the earth. You soak up water, and are the reason every plant can survive and thrive. You connect with others underneath the rich soil, and provide a basis for a beautiful garden.

Libra: The stems of each plant. Thriving up towards the sky, you are what allow the garden to grow and grow. Intertwining with others, you connect with everyone you come close to.

Scorpio: Oxygen. Although often times unnoticed, without you, nothing would exist. Every plant needs you in their lives in order to survive. You provide comfort, and a great support system for everyone who needs it.

Sagittarius: The colorful, vibrant and beautiful petals on every flower. You add touches of beauty and grace everywhere you exist, and stop everyone in their tracks when they see you.

Capricorn: Busy ants and miscellaneous insects. You are hard at work making sure everything in the garden is safe and sound. You hold everything together, and make sure everyone is comfortable and has what they need to succeed.

Aquarius: Beautiful, big, leafy plants. You soak up the sunshine, and add balance and beauty to the garden, as well as providing a sense of security to the plants around you. Each of you is unique, and never allow an empty space or moment.

Pisces: Fuzzy, colorful caterpillars. Each day, you dream of becoming a large, powerful butterfly, but the truth is you are amazing the way you are. You provide comfort in every plant's lives when the feel you across their leaves.

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