Zodiac Signs & and their thoughts during a test

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Aries: what if I paid someone to do this for me?

Taurus: *falls asleep*

Gemini: *skipped school*

Cancer: come on, I studied this soooo much! Why can't I remember anything?

Leo: you know, I'm just going to wing this. I mean, it's worked every other time.

Virgo: oh my gosh, this is so easy

Libra: hey, teacher? What does this mean?

Scorpio: I'm never going to use this later on in life, it's so stupid!

Sagittarius: well, here goes my grade

Capricorn: damn, I should've studied!

Aquarius: I wonder what would happen if I left. And never came back.

Pisces: *staring blankly at the test*

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