Zodiac Signs in my point of view

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These are all in MY points of view so don't get angry or anything, it's just my opinion.

Aries: nice, can get annoying sometimes, tough but also cute

Taurus: why in every single zodiac sign post Taurus has something to do with food like what I know people that are Taurus that don't obsess over food or talk much about food. Taurus ah well I know two different tauruses that are totally different so this is hard...

Gemini: I swear I don't know anyone well enough that is Gemini... I guess kind, caring at heart but can whoop your face off when they want

Cancer: finds odd things funny (hah) quite caring and a very nice person

Leo: outgoing, easy to talk to, can get super pissed if you do something that annoys them

Virgo: is mostly mature and doesn't muck around, but if they do get silly they're fun to be around

Libra: makes you happy, fun to be around, but makes it too obvious when they're upset

Scorpio: sweet and really cares about you, but don't want to get on their bad side because they will slay you

Sagittarius: (me hehe) umm I don't really know... Optimistic I guess? Smiles a lot? Trusts too much sometimes...

Capricorn: everyone assumes Capricorns are so smart like in every zodiac post they're always smart and doing homework and getting good grades but I once knew this Capricorn that was dumb af soooo... Nice I guess but wants to be a lot like everyone else too much and doesn't have their own opinion

Aquarius: acts all cute but has another side to them as well...

Pisces: really nice and sweet but can get crazy af if you give them sugar

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