Zodiac Signs at a hotel

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Aries: I'd rather sleep on the floor than sleep with *points to Capricorn*

Taurus: *eats all the food in the fridge*

Gemini: you're gonna pay for that Taurus

Cancer: this hotel feels nice, doesn't it?
(Lol wtf)

Leo: *listens to the Weeknd with Virgo while making sex jokes*
(OMG when I first read this I thought it said sex noises bc it was in tiny writing omg)

Virgo: *is uncomfortable* Oh god...

Libra: *agrees with Cancer* it is

Scorpio: *is sleeping*
(This is so my mum)

Sagittarius: *pulls Aquarius to the swimming pool* Let's go swimming!
(Hmm who do I know that's Aquarius...That's right, Brielle_KP hahaha)

Capricorn: what do you mean? *is very offended by Aries*

Aquarius: o-okay, geez *is forced to go swimming by Sagittarius*

Pisces: *looks at both Sagittarius and Aquarius* idiots

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