Zodiac Signs & what they're most likely to dream about

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Aries: flying

Taurus: fighting bad guys

Gemini: falling

Cancer: fictional characters

Leo: their pets

Virgo: running late

Libra: stuff that makes no sense

Scorpio: being a different person

Sagittarius: driving
(hi tbh the only reason I put this chapter in this book was bc I'm Sagittarius and this is so true lol)

Capricorn: boring stuff like making a bowl of cereal
(wow this one is serious ;) maybe it's more than that...maybe it's a SERIAL KILLER! OMG enough with my lame puns guys continue reading)

Aquarius: faraway lands

Pisces: food

A/N hi guys writing these out is a pretty long and boring process so adding little authors notes after some of them makes it more fun for me to write (and maybe for you to read lol) so I might add more of them ;)) Lol or bad idea? Are my jokes too cheesy for you? *slice of cheese extends from palm* goddamnit

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