28) Day 3 Barbados

Start from the beginning

She cleared her throat and shook her head yes. I smirked knowing I got her speechless. And I ain't even touch her...yet.


Today was court day and I couldn't have been more nervous. Mr. Kroger was expecting a lot from me.

Mark we gonna be in the court room cuz he didn't want Koby to hurt me. I just wanted him to go back to whatever rock he climbed the hell out of.

"All rise in the honorable Judge Mathews" the bailiff said

"Alright settle down. Will the opposing party start"

"Jakoby is the father of Cameron Kroger. He's been nothing but supportive and loving to him. Why shouldn't he have his son in his life full time" Kong lawyer Swanson said.

"Ms. McCallister can you answer his question" Judge Matthews asked.

"Yes I can. My client Mr. Kroger has been taking care of Cameron since birth. Jakoby Kroger has been in and out of Cameron's life. Mostly out" I said stepping back to my side.

"I will like to call Senior Kroger to the stand" Swanson said as I gave the nod to Mr. Kroger to go.

"Needs be" Judge Matthew.

"Mr. Kroger is it true you are going through financial difficulties?" Swanson asked.

"Yes but raising-"

"And is it true you filed for bankruptcy just last month"

"Objection! Relevance!!" I yelled

"Denied. Go on Mr. Kroger answer the question."

"Yes again raising a child is not cheap especially when your a retired man" he stated.

"And your wife is a retired midwife. How do expect to take care of a child when you can't even take care of your self. No further questions your honor" Swanson said.

"Cross exam your honor?" I asked.


"Mr. Kroger how long have you had Cameron"

"Six years. Newborn and all. Pawpaw was his first words. We watch him go from crawling to walking. Fix every boo. Went to every tyke game."

"You have opened up your mechanic shop again is that correct"

"Yes. I don't want my grandson to go without"

"That's very noble of you. No more question your honors" I said as Mr. Kroger and I went back to our seat.

"I'll like to take JaKoby to the stands your honor"

"Why not"

"Mr. Kroger do you love your son" Swanson asked Koby.

"Of course. He's my child."

"And you would do anything for your child"

"I'll die for him" he said.

"No further questions"

"I have questions" I said standing up. I reached in my brief case and took my evidence that this nigga is a fraud.

"Well come on" Judge Mathews said.

"Mr. Kroger please state your child's full name"

"What the fuck"

"Answer the question" Judge Mathews said.

"Cameron Rodney Kroger"

"What is Cameron favorite color"

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