Finally Explained and More

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Well, I will update twice today. I think it would have to be like that for now on. Hope you guys enjoy this one. Let's see how Raven is feeling and see if she can explain what happen.

I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

I open my eyes and quickly close them back because of the brightness of the room.

"Cyborg, turn the lights down." I hear a voice said. Could that be Robin?

The lights went down. I open my eyes again and then I see five different faces looking down.

The room fell with silence and the stares from my friends make this so much more awkward for me.

"How are you feeling Raven?" Cyborg ask.

All of a sudden. I felt everything. All the pain, the bruises, the cuts, and how I hold it all in.

I wince in pain. Terrible moment. I don't want to remember. Also, the one near my shoulder blade. It hurts so much.

When Cyborg saw me wince in pain, he knows that I have felt all my wounds and it hurts really bad.

"I'm so sorry Raven. I know it hurts a lot. You had a lot of open and deep cuts. Robin and I just covered the minor ones with gauze. We stitch the other ones. Especially the one near your shoulder blade. It look like that one gutted the most. Slade really gone too far. Just because he wanted you to be his apprentice." Cyborg said.

Wait, what?

"What? What do you mean by that?" My voice came out weak and tired.

"Woah Raven, may be you should rest. You sound tired and weak right now. You lost a lot of blood. Also, you've been through a lot and your powers are not back yet." Robin said.

"No. Tell me exactly what Slade told you."I demand.

My friends look towards each other and gave in.

"Well, Slade called and said he wanted an apprentice." Cyborg said.

"I told him that none of us are interested of being his apprentice." Robin said.

"He said that he found you wondering off and decide to take you and make you be his apprentice." Terra said.

"We have told him to not hurt nor touch you." Starfire said.

"But, since we kept on telling him to not do anything to you, he said he will force you by hurting us or even you." Beast Boy said.

How could Slade tell them all of this?

"I hate to tell you all this, but that is not the reason why he did all of this to me." I said weakly.

"Friend, please tell us why he has hurt you in such a way like this." Starfire beg. She looks so worrisome of me.

Everybody does.

"The reason why he did this to me was because when I was taken from Malchior, Slade took me. It turns out Malchior made a deal with Slade for a spell. The spell was from my father's spell book. It's a spell that can be broken, but is hard to break. Slade traded the spell for me once I cast it on him. Slade then took me and was about to use me for his pathetic machine to destroy all of you. I began to fight him. At that time, my powers were bound from a bracelet, but then it broke off. The place he took me was an abandon building. It looks as if it would collapse, and it did. I made it out, but Slade didn't. He was buried in the middle of it all. I knew he wasn't dead. I sensed his presence. That's when I left to stop Malchior. I knew that Slade was mad at me just because I almost defeated him and I made a building collapse on him. The reason he hurt me was for his revenge. He couldn't get over the fact that I almost defeated him." I finally explained the rest of my story.

After all this time, I finally said it.

No interruptions.

All my friends have a shock look on their faces. They couldn't believe that what Slade told them, was all a lie.

I wouldn't blame them. It's all Slade's fault.

"Don't worry. It's not any of you guys' fault. It's all Slade's fault. I'm still here." I said.

"Yeah, but all hurt and injured. It's our fault for not finding you earlier." Cyborg said.

I thought of what I wanted to do a few moments ago. If I wanted to live or die. I chose to go on because of them.

"If it wasn't for all of you, I wouldn't be here right now, would I?" I said.

They all gave a smile towards me.

"You guys are the reason for me to keep on leaving. Why would I ever leave my family behind?"

"So, what you're saying is that..." Terra started off.

"You will stay with us?" Starfire finish.

I laugh.

"Yes Star, I'm not going anywhere." I answer her question.

"Glorious! I am so glad that you are not leaving us, friend Raven! We would all miss you very dearly." Starfire said.

"I know Starfire. And, I don't want to hurt you all more than I already have." I said.

"Good to know you're back, Raven." Robin said.

"Glad to be back." I said.


Well, there's one chapter. I will update later today. So, be waiting for that one. I would say that it sounds as if this story is about to end. But, I can't be so sure. I want to say it should, but I feel as if there is still something that should happen. I don't know.

Well, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the lack of updating. School is really just a lot of work. Why?

Until later. Hope you all will be waiting and ready.


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