Who Are You?

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Enjoy the chapter my readers.

I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

I just lay, there in my room, on the floor. I couldn't believe what Beast Boy did. I would never think he would do that. Now that he did that, I don't even know who he is anymore.

There has to be a reason why he is acting this way not only to me, but to all of us. I know it wasn't the break up from us. I also know it can't be from what he's done to Terra. It has to be that bitch that he is going out with. I know that when someone goes out with someone, that person changes their whole personality. They'll tell you that they are still the same, when yet they have no idea how they are acting towards you. That's exactly what happened to me today.

I lay on my floor for what seems like hours when only it was like 15 minutes. All of a sudden there was a knock at my door.

I got up, put my hood up and open the door with just a crack for the other person to just see one of my violet eyes.

It was Beast Boy.

"What do you want?" I ask coldly.

"To talk." He said.

"I think you've done enough today, don't you think?"

"No, there's still more that we need to say." He said.

"Oh really? Like if I need to know about what other bull shit you need to say to me." I said with venom.

"Raven, just please listen to me." He said.

Since he said please.

I step out of my room into the hallway. He back up to the other wall and I stand at the wall bear to my door.

"So, go on." I told him.

"Look, I know how I interrupted you was a bad move and I'm sorry. You were the one in the situation and I should have let you finish. I'm sorry." He said.

Well, he apologized for that part, but not for hitting me.

"And?" I said.

"What else there is?" He ask.

"Hmm, I don't know. What about that part where you just slapped me?"

"What about it? I was defending myself."

You have got to be kidding.

"You? Defending yourself? From what?" I ask in disbelief.

"You were yelling at ME. I had to defend myself!" He yelled.

I cannot believe what I am hearing.

"Just because of that, you HAD to slap me? Do you not have any respect for anyone but YOURSELF?" I yelled too.

At that moment, he looks so mad that he was going in for another hit. But, the other Titans came in and Cyborg caught Beast Boy's hand before he could hit me. I guess they heard us yelling. Again.

"Beast Boy, seriously. Again? You were going to hit her again? Cyborg said in disbelief.

"No, let him Cyborg. Let him hit me one more time. Let hurt me again and again as he's done so today. He doesn't realize how rude and obnoxious he is again. Let him break me or even kill me until he realizes I am gone. I don't even care anymore." I said.

"Come on Raven, you don't really mean that." Terra said.

"Yes, I do. He does not even know who he is himself anymore." I turn to him.

"Do you?" I ask him.

He took his arm back from Cyborg and just kept staring at me after that.

"Who are you?" I said still looking at him.

"When will you realize that this is all because of you. You are the reason why we are still arguing and fighting. When?" I said.

He still just stares at me. Not saying a single word.

"No one knows who you are anymore. Not me. Not them. Not even yourself."

With that, I went into my room, and close the door. I went to my bed and just lay there, thinking what could happen after this whole situation.

I heard loud and fast foot steps which probably meant that it was Beast Boy going towards his room. Then I hear multiple foot steps fading away into the hallway, which means my friends have left somewhere or to their rooms.

I just lay there thinking of what I told him. Then, I said it.

"Who are you?"


Well, there goes another chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed this one.

Sorry for any mistakes in this one too.
Hope you guys have a great day.

Who Are You?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें