Arguing With A Teammate

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Now, before you guys start. I will be starting school tomorrow. So, updates will not be as fast. But, I will do anything for my readers. Just giving you guys some heads up. Continue.

I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.

Robin's POV

Right in the middle of the stairs, I thought I heard something up on the roof. I waited to see if I heard it again, but I heard nothing. I continued to go down the stairs, until I heard Raven yelling for help.

I quickly ran up the stairs and looked around. Then, I saw a man in cloak holding Raven in it's arms. Before I could say anything, the person disappeared with Raven.

"Who could that be?" I said.

I quickly called everyone in their communicators.

"Titans, report to the Common Room." I said. Then, I quickly went there as well to meet up with everyone.

When I arrived, they were already there waiting on me.

"Wait, where is friend Raven?" Starfire asked.

"That's why I called you guys here. Someone just took her. But, I don't know who it was because it was wearing a cloak. Also, couldn't get any hint because it never gave me a chance to speak to it. I heard Raven called for help, but I was too late." I explained.

"What do you mean you don't know who it was? Why would you not done anything if you knew she was in trouble?" Beast Boy started to gang up on me.

"Oh really? You're blaming me for that the person took her? Where were you when she needed you? Oh right, you broke up with her just to be with a bitch. She really messed you up. You don't want to be around us any more. The only time we get to see you is  during battles." I started to tell him.

Beast Boy step back and started to get pissed off.

"Really, what did she do to you. Also, what do you know about her. She's not doing anything wrong." He said.

"Beast Boy, open your eyes. She is bad news. But, you know what? Don't, because you just made a girl get her heart broken, then happy and then break her even more. You were suppose to help her. Instead, you broke her. Everyday, a piece of her is going away because of what you've done. That's not cool. What is wrong with you? What the hell happen to the guy that just makes everyone laugh at times. Oh yeah, he's gone." I told him.

"What do you know? You always want to get in everyone's business. Always wondering what's wrong." He said.

"I ask if they want me to know. They don't have to tell me. I help, not like you, the one that brings everyone down." I said.

Beast Boy started to run at me to throw a punch. I started to run at him too. But, Starfire grab Beast Boy and Cyborg grab me.

"Guys, calm down. Y'all need to chill." Cyborg said.

"Yes friends. Please, stop the fighting and the arguing. It is not good that you are fighting with each other." Starfire said.

Beast Boy and I stop struggling and we gave each other a death glare.

Terra just stood there just watching. I wonder what's up with her. She's been quiet a lot lately.

Beast Boy stormed off to his room. I just stood there and took a deep breath. I really don't like his attitude.

"We need to see if we can find Raven."

Well, there's the chapter. Sorry it's short. But, it's 11 right now, and I have school tomorrow. Yay. I will be a sophomore in highschool. Yay. Just like I said above. Anyways, one more chapter before I get into that. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Also, sorry for it to be late, but it's here.

I will see if I can still do two updates a week. So, if I can't, I'm really sorry. Have a good day my little demons.

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