Not Again

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I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

The next few weeks went well. Terra started to act like herself again and everyone did their own little thing.

One day, I was reading one of my books when all of a sudden I wanted a cup of tea. So, I got up and went to the kitchen.

When I was there, Cyborg was making lunch for everyone. He noticed me and decided to chat.

"Hey Raven, how's it going?" He asked.

"I'm good. Been hanging out with Terra and Starfire lately. Other than that, nothing else. You?" I asked.

"Just working and upgrading my baby and hanging out with Beast Boy. Sometimes with Robin, but when he's not busy. Other than that, good."

"Nice." I said. I put the water to boil and waited for the kettle to scream.

"You haven't received any letters yet?" Cyborg asked.

I sighed.

"No, not yet. Nor have I figured out who it is. What about you?"

"Nothing either. Whoever it is, that person is doing a good job."

"You're right. I kept on thinking who would speak like that. I couldn't find out who would write like that. The way it put the words. It's trying not to be recognized." I said.

"Yeah, who would write like that? It's weird on how they wrote it. It's like it's trying to sound threatening." He said.

The kettle screamed. I poured the water into a mug and put the bag of tea in it.

"You're right. But, who would it be?" I said.

"I'm wondering the same thing, Rae." He said.

I headed back to my room to think. When I entered, I sat on my bed and began to think.

'Who could it be? I doubt it's one of my friends and I doubt it's a Titan. Honorary or not. It must be someone that we encounter with. But, who?'

I thought about it for a while. Who would have a grudge on me and Cyborg? There were many, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Who knows, it could be all working together instead of one.

I drank my tea. Then decided that I need to meditate. I needed to get things off my mind. So many things in my mind at the moment.

I concentrated on my breathing. I relaxed and began to mediate.

*** 2 And A Half Hours Later ***

All of a sudden the alarm went off. I quickly went to the Common Room.

Everyone was already there. We all looked at the computer.

"It's Red X. Titans Go!" Robin said. We all headed to the garage. Robin took his R-Cycle while all of us took Cyborg's car. I was at the front and the others were at the back. Then, we headed to where Red X is at.

When we arrived at the museum, Red X was already on his way out with the jewels.

"Well, look who decided to show up." Red X said.

"Just in time to kick your butt." Beast Boy said.

"You sure about that, kid?"

"Titans Go!" Robin said. We all went to our target.

Robin tried to hit him with his staff, but X always dogged them all. Then, Red X punched and kicked Robin in the gut and made him fly across the building. He was out.

Starfire shoots him with her starbolts, but he dodged them as well. He shoots one of his red x's and stick Starfire to the wall. She was out.

Terra threw big rocks at him. He kept on jumping and moving out of the way. Terra was so close to crush him, but he was a little bit more faster. He shoots another x and it tied her arms to her sides. She fell to the floor, struggling to get out. She was out.

Cyborg shoots him with his canon only to miss every time. Red X took one of his electric x's and it went to Cyborg's back and it electrified him. He was out.

Beast Boy turned into a cheetah and ran up to him. Then, he turned into a bear to scratch Red X. He missed every time as well. When Beast Boy wasn't paying attention, Red X took out another x and threw it at Beast Boy. It was the sticky and stretchy one. He was out.

Now, it was just me and him.

"Five down, one to go. Who knew you guys needed an extra person."He said.

"Who knew you would already be so tired after defeating up atleast five of us." I told him.

"Who said I was tired." He said.

"Your mind. I can sense and feel that you're tired. Also, your body language gives it away." He looked surprised.

I stood there making sure to dodge what he will throw at me.

He ran up to me and try to throw a punch, but I dodged the hit. Then, I turn to him and try to hit him.

"Azarath Metrion Zint-" before I could finish my mantra, Red X put one of his x's on my mouth.

"Now you can't hit me with one of your spells. Looks like you can't do nothing now." Red X said.

I gave him an annoyed look. Until, I decided to do a roundhouse kick. When I did, he landed hard on the ground. His bag with the jewels fell off of his pocket.

He got up and looked at me.

"Wow, yo think you could only do spells." He said.

He grabbed his bag with the jewels and turned me.

"Well, it looks like I should be going, don't want to keep you guys up for so long. See ya later, kids." Red X said.

I was going to stop him, but he disappeared.

I try to take the tape of without hurting myself. Turns out I have to take it off painfully. I quickly ripped it off. It stung, but it'll wear off.

I quickly went to help everyone else. I helped Robin up. I helped Starfire down. I helped Terra up. Tried to clean Beast Boy up and help bring Cyborg back up.

I explained to everyone that he got away. Robin was mad, but he got over it. Everyone said it was fine, I was alone any ways.

We all got home and cleaned ourselves up. Mostly Beast Boy because he had the sticky x.

I headed back to my room to have some peace and quiet. When I got there I just stood there.

All of a sudden there was a knocking on my window. I went to look and there was a raven with a letter. Again.
"Here we go again."


Well, this one is a little longer too. Huh, who would have thought. Sorry for the late update. I say it is. I decided to give you guys some action today. Any ways, hope you guys like it.
Also, thank you all of you because this story is up to 200 reads and almost to 30 votes. So, thank you guys so much. I really appreciate every single one of you guys.

Also, Happy Fourth of July to all of you. Hope you guys stay safe out there with all the explosions out there.

Well, that's all for now. Let's see what will happen on the next update next week. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Also, hope all of you have a great day today.

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