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I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.

Raven's POV

I opened the door and Cyborg was there.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Can I talk to you? It's really important." He said.

"Uhm, sure." I stepped out of my room and talked to him in the hall way.

He looked left and right to make sure there was no one here.

"I just got a weird letter from someone." He said.

"Really? Who's it from?" I asked.

"It's from a guy that calls himself 'Anonymous'. Weird that he won't say his name."

"Interesting. First of all, what did he wrote?"

"Here's the letter. It send it to me with a raven. I was going to write back of who is it talking about, but the raven left." Cyborg said.

The letter said: She... is only false. I'll watch my back if I were you.

"The person is talking about Terra. It is trying to say not to trust her." I said.

"Wait, how do you know it's talking about Terra?" He asked.

"Because it sended me aetter as well. It said that I should stop being with Terra because she is not who I think she is." I explained.

"Huh, why would it tell us this?"

"I think it is trying to portect the people who she is finally hanging out with and someone who she is barely going to hang out with. That's me and you. But, why is? Why not the others?" I wondered.

"I don't know, Rae. But, this freaked me out a little." He said.

"I know. I am just trying to find out who it is. When the raven came back it only took 20 minutes. So, this Anonymous person is not that far. Also, it is someone that I know. I thought it would be one of the villains, then I thought it wasn't anyone of them. Then, it could have been a trap. So, it can be anyone that is in Jump City." I told him.

"You starting to sound like Robin with the detective skills."

"Sorry, I was with him too long. You know, helping him with the files."

"Well, I say that your investigation might be right. But, what if it was someone that can send messages through a portal." Cyborg asked.

"Hmm, I didn't think of that. Who could do portals? There isn't anyone I know who can do that. Just me." I explained.

"Oh, right."

"We need to keep our eyes out with anyone who is suspicious. Till then, don't tell anyone. I will tell Terra everything. This involves her, so she must know what is going on. Until she returns next week, we keep this conversation to ourselves." I told him.
"You got it Raven."

Cyborg and I entered the Common Room. We made sure that we do pur own little thing. He went to play video games with Beast Boy and I went to make some tea.

'Terra, we have some things to discuss.'

*** One Week Later ***

Terra came back. She greeted everyone.

"Hey guys. It's good to be back here. I learned so much from their training. I can't wait to kick butt." She said.

"That's great. We are glad to have you back, Terra." Robin said.

"Thanks." She said.

Once everyone went to do their own little thing, I went up to Terra.

"Hey, Terra, may I speak with you? In my room? It's really important." I asked her.

"Uhh, sure, Raven. No problem." She said.

We headed our way to my room. Once we entered she sat on my ned and I sat next to her.

"So, I just wanted to tell you what happened to me last week. There was this letter that came for me. When I opened it, the person said to not trust you because you are not what you seem. I just want to say, if you are still working for Slade, I will make sure you won't be breathing." I told her.

"No, Raven. I swear, I am not working for him anymore. Who sended you the letter?" She asked.

"It wouldn't say. All it said that it was Anonymous. It also said that I know who the it is. I just can't figure out who. All I know is that it is someone in Jump City because the letter didn't took long to send back." I explained.

"Great, now that person want to het rid of all my frinds."

"It's okay, I don't believe this person. It also send a letter to Cyborg." I told her.

"What? Him too? Why? I didn't do anything wrong." She said.

"I don't know, but he doesn't believe that person either."

"I trust you, I know I didn't before. But, that's the past. In the end, there isn't an end. Just new beginnings." I told her.

"Thanks, Raven. I really am sorry of what I did. I'm sorry for everything I have ever done." She said.

"It's okay, I forgive you. Even if you tried to kill me."

"Thank you, Raven. I really appreciate it."

"No problem." I said.

Terra then left my room to hang out with the others. I feel bad for her situation at the moment. I will find out who this person is. One way or another. I am not going to give up just yet. I just need more evidence.

I have to wait for more letters.


There you guy, my fellow readers, an update. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. There will be more information soon. Now, I know, Raven and Terra don't get along. Yes, i know. But, the story will work that way. Just wait for it, I promise it will all make sense.

Well, until the next update, my peoples. Hope you guys have a fantastic day today.

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