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Hello. So, what I'm planning on doing is to update three chapters this week. That would be my goal. Since I always wake up like at 6:00 in the morning, having nothing to do, while everyone else wakes up at 9:00. So, yeah. Pretty much. Well, enough of me talking. Let's get started on this chapter.

I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

"Wanna bet?" I said out loud.

Everyone turn towards me and have a surprise look to see me here.

"Well, look who arrived. What, did you miss me already?" Malchior said.

"Why would I ever miss you? You're a dragon. No one misses any dragon." I said.

It looks like that made him mad. Perfect.

"I though Slade would have take care of you. But, I guess he failed." He said.

"He assumed I didn't have my powers. He should never assume anything with me." I said.

"Well, I was just going to end your friends lives, but I guess you could just watch me kill them right in front of you." Malchior said.

He moved his hand and tied me up next to him to watch what he'll do to my friends.

"No. Leave them out of this. It's me you want, not them." I said.

"Exactly. I need you, not your friends. I am just taking our the trash, my sweet Raven." He said.

He began to throw them fire balls and fire at them. My friends are blocking his attacks, but not for long.

Malchior tied me with a rope, but it is covered in his magic. If only he was a little bit more distracted, he would have to break his concentration on the ropes and focus more on the battle.

I have an idea. Maybe if my friends separate, it would make him frustrate and it will break his focus on me. How would I tell them this?

Right. I still have the bonding with Robin. Well, I think. Hope this works.

"Robin, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I can. I'm so glad you're still alive. You have a lot of explaining." He said.

"Yeah, yeah. I have a plan. Since I am tied with ropes but are under his command, we need to distract him more to break his focus on him. Tell everyone to split up farther from each other than closer to not make such a bigger target." I explain to him.

"Pretty good idea Raven. Will do."

I can see that Robin already command them because they are already separating. I couldn't hear him because the cracking of fire burning.

"Fools! Hold still so I may get rid of you once and for all!" Malchior yelled.

The magic fade away and I ripped through the ropes.

Malchior was going to burn Beast Boy but I went in front of Beast Boy and use my shield to block the fire. I might be mad at him, but he's still my teammate. I would never let my family get hurt.

"Thanks." Beast Boy said.

"How did you get free from the bindings?" Malchior asked.

"I have a tip for you, never loose your focus." I said with a smirk.

"Fine. If you don't want me to get rid of your friends. I'll get rid of you."

"I would like to see you try." I said.

Malchior looks pretty mad and just let out his fire breath that I easly dodge.

I'm sick of this. No more games. Time to end this now before he destroys the whole place down.

"You forgot one thing, Malchior. That spell that I cast on you might be a spell from my father's and there's no curse for it. But, my father wasn't that powerful and smart to just let nothing happen. You have to think very hard to get rid of the spell. That, is what you didn't think of." I said.

"The way to get rid of you is to destroy where you came from." I took out his book.

"No, your lying. You just want to scare me, you little witch." Malchior said.

"Oh really? Well then, I'll just put this in the fire and watch it burn to ash. Just like I will watch your body turn to ash as well." I said.

I dropped the book into the fire and it began to burn.

Malchior began to scream in pain from the burn.

"You pathetic witch! What have you done? You will pay for this!" He yelled.

"That, Malchior, is when you're wrong!" I yelled.

"Once this book turns into ashes, it won't exist anymore. If the book doesn't exist, you won't either."

All I heard was his yelling in pain and agony. Then, all you hear is just the paper burning. After that, nothing. The fire was out. Just the buildings burn. But, there was no fire.

All is quiet. No one made a move.

I just stood there, looking at the ashes, that once held a book, a person, go flying into the wind. No words have been said. Not yet. Until I heard movement coming towards me.

A hand was on my shoulder. I turn around and it was Robin's hand.

"Come on. The police is on their way. Let's go home." He said.

We all headed home.



No. Not the end just yet. To me it seems like it would be a good spot to just end the story, but it is far from over because there is still some shit going on with Raven and Beast Boy. Now, I'm not sure if I want any shipping in this story of any kind. So, that is till in thought.

Any ways, hope you guys enjoyed this small of a chapter. But, there will be more to come this week. So, no worries. Thanksgiving is tomorrow, for me, so I will probably update one tomorrow. If not, sorry.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry for any mistakes and other bad stuff in here. Hope you guys liked it. Have a great day my readers.

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