What Does HE Want

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I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling tired than ever before. But, I got up anyways. It was 5 in the morning. I did my usual morning routines and headed to the Common Room to make my cup of tea.

When I arrive to the Common Room, Beast Boy was there. What is he doing up this early? He's always the last to wake up. It looked like he was waiting for someone, but what do I care.

I just pass him and just went to make my cup of tea. When the water was boiling, Beast Boy was right there next to me, just starring at me.

I thought to myself, what does he want.

"What." I told him.

"I need to talk to you." He said.

"Oh, so now you want to talk to me? Now, you want me to just listen to you and just do what ever the hell you want. Why would I even want to speak to you after all you did. You broke up with me for a dumb reason. You know I would have been there for you. I am not that careless you know. But, you decided not to give me a chance. I thought you would be different from Malchior. Turns out, you are just like him. You just wanted me to waste time. Also, you decided to do other things when I am not around. So, I don't care what you're going to say. Keep them to yourself." I told him.

My water was done boiling. I poured it into my cup, put the tea bag in and wait for another moment.

"You know, after you broke up, cheated, stabbed me in the back; after all those things you've done, you made me realize that it is better to be alone than to be with someone else. Why, you may ask. Well, because one thing leads to another. Hope you're happy with who ever you are with, because I am happy without you. Don't even bother doing or saying anything to me, because it won't make a difference from what you have done."

I left him there in the room. I started to head up to the roof.

When I open the door and step outside, the fresh air hit my face. The sun was about to rise and that means a new day has begun. It was really beautiful out here. I decided to just watch the sun rise instead of meditate yet. It was a beautiful scenery.

I drifted back to the conversation I had with Beast Boy. It felt really good to just tell him all of that. I felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. It feels really good to know I told him how I felt when he hurt me.

The others knew that Beast Boy and I were dating. They felt happy for us. Until two months has past, he said his uncle passed away and he said that it was best if we weren't together. That really broke me because I would have been there for him. It made no sense that he would break up with me just because his uncle passed away.

What really gutted me the most was that a month later, he began to go out with another girl. No one knows how has this happened or where did she came from. She was a normal girl.

My friends thought that once Beast Boy got over his uncle's death that he might just come back with me. I told them that was impossible. When he announced that he was dating someone else, they all knew that it hurt me when he said that.

In the end, I really didn't care anymore. If he was happy with her, then he is. I really don't care about him anymore. Just like he never cared about me. He just used me to waste his stupid time. I was just a toy to him. Not going to fall for any one's traps anymore. I don't want to get hurt.

All of a sudden, the door to the roof open. I didn't turn around to know who it is. Since it was a while since I've been up here, he probably woke up to get the day started.

"Look who's up early." Robin said.

"Yeah, it was to beautiful to miss the sun rise." I told him.

"That's true. It feels like it will be a good day, doesn't it?" He asked.

"Feels like it. Let's hope so." I said.

"Well, I'll see you later. I'm going to do some morning training. Want to come?" He ask.

"No, I'll meditate. Maybe some other time." I told him.

"Alright. Later Raven."

Then I prepare to meditate.

Once I closed my eyes, I felt a prick on my neck. Then someone blind folded me. Before I blacked out, I let out a cry for help. But, before I could yell it out, the person muffled me. I struggled to at least tell for help before I couldn't. I bit into the person's hand and yelled for help. Then everything turned dark. I hope someone listened.


That's all for today. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and cliffhanger. You guys are welcome.

Have a good day.

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