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I would like to say something, so that all of you won't be confused. In this story, Terra have her memories back and is with the Titans. Also she... is friends with Raven. So, she barely started to trust her. This will really help. More explanation in this chapter. okay, continue on with your reading.


I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

I read the letter. And gasped. This freaked me out a little.

You should stop talking with Terra. For your own safety. She isn't who you think she is.

'What? Why should I? Who does this person think he is?' I thought to myself.

I quickly grab a pen and paper and began writing.

And you are?

I fold it and put it in an envelope. I thought how will I send it if it had no address.

All of a sudden, a raven was poking on my window. I quickly went to it and opened it. The raven took my envelop and took it away.

'Who would tell me that? Terra is fine now. She's training at Titans East right now. I mean it did took a while to warm up to her when she came back. But, I trust her now. Right?' I thought.

20 minutes later the raven came back with another letter.

No one.

'Really, no one?'

I wrote my response down.

What do you mean no one? You have to be someone, technically.

I folded the paper and gave it to the raven. It went back out.

'Okay, this is just getting weird. First of all how did I get involved? The others also had to gain her trust. Why not them? I don't need this.' I thought to myself.

The raven came in and gave me the letter.

Indeed, but I am no one.

'Great, now this person is messing with me. Great, just what I need.' I think of a way to ask the person if I know or been with the person.

Fine. Tell me one thing then, do I know you?

The raven takes off again.

I really thought hard on this. It couldn't be any of the Titans. No, it can't be. They are my friends. We all trust her now. Could it be the from Titans East? No, I doubt it. It could probably be an honorary Titans, but who? Could it be a villain? It can't be, they all hate us. Unless, they are planning something.

The raven came back and gave me the letter from the person.

You can say that.

'Okay, that helped, but just a pinch.'

Would you give me a hint?

I wrote back. I know the person then. Hmm, the word anonymous means that the person does not want to know his or her name. It wants it to stay unknown. So, I can't say what's its name.

The raven came back.

I am not your enemy.
But she is.

Well, that helps me say that probably it could not be any of the villains we have met. Maybe, but unless they are just saying this.

Okay, but why won't you tell me who you are then?

The raven flew away.

This is just getting way out of hand. I have no idea why would this has to involve me. I couldn't just be the only one to have letter, right? There must be someone else who got the same message. But, then again, I was the one who didn't trust her when we first met. I had doubts about her.

The raven came back and I opened the letter.

Because I am not a person, but a unity.


No, your someone who knows me. Yet you say you are not my enemy.

The raven flew out fast.

'Hmm, the raven comes and goes quick. So that means that this 'Anonymous' person is close by.

The letter came in.

I am no one. I am truth. I am justice. You should take my advice.

How are you truth if you know both me and her. Something happened that probably didn't or shouldn't happened.

The raven went out again.

'Should I take his advice? No, why would I? Terra is our friend now. What else is there? Unless, she is keeping something from all of us. Or, me...

The letter came back.

Look between the lines ______
There, you find the truth.

How can I? You are not helping at all. All there is, is emptiness. Nothing else, it's all blank.

This person is not helping. What can I do if he or she is not explaining everything.

The raven came back with another letter.
It's not what you see.
But the reality in front of you.

So, yes, there are lies. Everyone say lies. That's how you learn, from all your mistakes that you've done.

This person is going to make me go insane. Why would they even bother? No one has ever cared about what would happen to me.

The letter came back once again.

She has violated. And you shall see in the end. Remember, I am not your enemy.

If your not my enemy, then you should tell me who you are. That way, I may see if i can gain your trust.

All of this is really making my head hurt.

'What does he mean that she has violated? Ugh, see? That person is not being very specific.'

The raven gave me the letter, but then left. I quickly read the letter.

Trust is something you should lose, for Terra. Or, you will be hurt, emotionally. Truth shall prevail. Good Bye.

That was it. I am left with this letter.

'What do I do now. I have no idea who it may be. All I know is that it is someone that I know. But who?'

When I thought that. There was a knock on my door.


There you guys have it. Another chapter well done. I am sorry if it is too long. I just wanted to tell you guys what happened. Hehehe, and yes, you all know me. Leaving all of you in a cliffhanger. Sorry? Nah, just kidding. I am that cruel. Well, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Comment on telling me how you guys think of it. I wasn't sure if it's okay. Also, don't forget to leave a vote. Till next update next week.

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