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Here, is one last chapter. Surprised you guys, didn't I. Well, I felt that some of you are right, this story does not seem to be completed. So, I will do a sequel. I am a person who is not a fan of sequels, but it does seem to be incomplete. So, here is the final chapter of this story and I will try to get the sequel up as soon as possible.


I do not own the Teen Titans or any other characters that are mentioned in this story.


Raven's POV

I went straight to my room. I didn't want to speak to anyone after what I've just did. I finally told him how u felt this entire time. Finally.

It was around eight o'clock right now. Beast Boy might have been very disappointed and went to his room as well. The others are probably eating or talking to each other. I hope I don't get to get of this room.

Just as I thought that, the alarm went off. Great. I had to say something.

I went out into hall way and went where the others are. Beast Boy was there too.

"Dr. Light is attacking the city." Robin said.

"Titans, Go!"

With that being said, we went out.

*** At the City ***

We arrived to find that Dr. Light was shooting his powers at the people that are running away from him.

"Why runaway. Who doesn't want a 'brighter' future?" Dr. Light said.

"Your future won't look so bright when we're done with you Dr. Light."

"Well, look who decided to drop by." He said.

"Titans, Go!"

With that, we go and attack.

Dr. Light kept on blasting his light canon a lot on us. It seems it got more powerful now because it knocks us down.

We all went into an ally to avoid Dr. Light shooting his canon towards us.

"Titans, we'll have to team up on him. Starfire and Cyborg, keep shooting him. Raven and Beast Boy, distract him. Terra and I will attack him from behind." Robin instructed.

"I'm not working with her."

We all turned and look at Beast Boy.

"Beast Boy, what are you talking about?" Robin questions.

"I refuse to team up with Raven."

"Bro, there's no time to protest. We have to stop Dr. Light from hurting the the people." Cyborg said.

"Cyborg's right. If we don't take Dr. Light down, he'll destroy the city with that gun of his." Terra agrees.

"No, I don't care. I'm not going work with her." Beast Boy refuse.

"Beast Boy..."

"Enough." Robin interupted Cyborg.

"Raven, help me attack Dr. Light. Terra and Beast Boy, distract him. Titans, Go!"

We all did as we were told.

Beast Boy got Dr. Light's attention and dodge all his blast.

Cyborg and Starfire blasted Dr. Light. He tried to shoot at them, but Beast Boy got his attention.

Then, when the time was right, Robin and I went and brought him down. I destroyed his canon and Robin knocked him out and tied him up.

After turning Dr. Light in, we went straight home. I know exactly what will happen when we get there.

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