
"Hey Sasha!" my cocky best friend Connie ran to me with a tooth-visible smile and his eyes having no other expression then ideal. I just entered the empty classroom because I forgot to get my stuff from under my table, suddenly he just ran through the teacher's door.

The only response I was able to give him was a huff and a confused look, "What is it?"

"I know something we can do that doesn't involve getting us in trouble or detention!" The shorter boy's eyes shined as he exclaimed in pride.

"Oh yeah? Let me hear it." I sighed, trying my best to cooperate on his excitement.

"I hid five packs of cookies inside this very classroom, and I want you to find them. If you find all of them, you can have them."

I formed a smile similar to his, as eight-year-olds we would be really pumped up to do these kinds of stuff, "So like a treasure hunt or something?"


"Well what're you waiting for?! Let the treasure hunt begin!" I pumped my first in the air with the loudest voice.


I laughed as that memory popped into my head, that was more than a decade ago. Yet it still felt as if it were yesterday, since I'm about to do a treasure hunt once again.

I also remembered Connie hating to call it a scavenger hunt since he didn't really know how to pronounce that word when he was eight years old, so we call it treasure hunt up until now.

I decided to just go with whatever he's planning since...well he does know how to put up a surprise. I hopped on my motorcycle and sped as fast as I could on my way home.

When I finally arrived, I saw a huge banner by the doorway saying 'Let the hunt begin!'
My lips formed a toothy grin as I ran straight inside. I knocked on the door, not bothering to use the doorbell.

Annie opened the door, carrying her tall three-year-old child in her arms. "Hi Annie." I waved, then having my attention on her daughter, "Oh hello Mikaela..." I chirped, hoping she heard me even if she drifted to sleep when I saw her.

Mikaela was a three year old looking like she was five. She wasn't exactly tall, but for as three year old she was. She had long bright blonde hair and blue eyes, and she had a curious and open personality and always made everyone smile.

Armin soon appeared from the living room. He looked at me and waved as he kissed his newly wedded wife and carried his lovely daughter.

They got married two months ago, and their daughter was the flower girl. Annie chose Mikasa as the maid of honor, and Armin chose Eren as his best man.

Armin then spoke, "Oh yeah, Connie told me to give you this." he took a white sticky paper from his pocket and handed it to me.

I opened the note, it said, "A memory you can never forget, is this way." then an arrow was on top of the text. I looked at that direction and saw the table below a vanity mirror, and a vase of roses on top of the table.

I walked to the table and noticed there was a paper under the vase. I carefully took the paper under the vase. It was a photo, our first photo as best friends.

Small tears fell from my eyes when I saw the photo that reminded me of such vivid memories.


Connie and I sat by the grass, lying on the opposite side of each other, laughing and talking. Its been a week since we've become the best of friends, and my life couldn't have gotten any better than this.

Together forever (Best friends-Sasha x Connie sequel)Where stories live. Discover now