Chapter 1- New Neighbour

Start from the beginning

Mom dragged me over to the car. She offered to drive instead of me having to do so. I was in a grumpy mood.

Mom drove us all the way to a small house not far from ours. It was like only 10 minutes away. The house was not very big like ours and it was a bit...ruined, I guess. There was a big moving van that I didn't notice.

Linda came out of the house and waved happily at mom. "Janet! How nice to see you! So this is your daughter Megan? How happy to see you dear! Please come inside!" Offered Linda. Linda's sudden cheeriness made my grumpiness go away a bit. So I perked up a little and followed mom inside.

The interior was very small. I would think only 3 people could stand beside each other, because of the small length apart from the walls. Linda led us inside her living room and sat us down.

"Nathan! Come here please"! Yelled Linda. So the guy's name was Nathan. All I have to see now is how he looks.

I heard some shuffling feet coming down the hallway. And that's when I saw Nathan: my new neighbour.

He had black hair, and a lot of it fell past his eyes. I guessed he was an inch taller than me. He looked very active and sportive. And strong too. But there was something about his face and eyes that told me he was very mischievous and sneaky. I didn't like the smirk he gave me.

"Nathan! This is Megan. Megan, this is my son." Said Linda, introducing us. I politely said hi to him. But he didn't even say anything. He still kept that smirk on his face. Gosh, what manners! If this is how he is going to turn out, then I swear I'll move out till I don't see his face!

"Nathan, why don't you take Megan upstairs for a while?" Suggested Linda. Oh no. The last thing I wanted to do was to be with this creep.

"Sure thing mom. I'll give her the most entertaining welcoming she's ever seen!" He smirked. I felt all jittery or something. With a few words from mom, I reluctantly went upstairs with him.

Nathan quietly led me to his room. I knew there was something going on in this monkey's little head.

Nathan's room was a smaller than mine. His wall was painted sky blue. I could see everything had been packed. His room was pure emptiness.

"So, are you like one of those weak girls who always scream like a mouse for no reason?" He asked. I scoffed.

"Excuse me?" I said, offended.

"Thought so. You're one of those brainy people. I can tell. Good. This will be fun to see your reactions." Said Nathan. What the...???

"Are you seriously always like this?" I exclaimed. Nathan smiled.

"Oh, it will be fun to see you react to the pranks and jokes I play on you! I had a load of fun with my last neighbour!" He said, smiling. I felt sick. So this was how my new neighbour was going to turn out. Why god, did it have to be ME out of all the billion people in the world??!!

"I have a bet to make. I always do this and win no matter what." He said, in a dangerous voice. I narrowed my eyes at him. What was he gonna make me do?

"Here's the bet: I bet you ten bucks that on my first day at your lame whatsoever school, I'll be amongst the popular groupies in seconds!" He exclaimed. I frowned. I didn't think I should trust him, and certainly didn't want to give him money either. But I wanted to see if he was right.

"All right. But if you lose the bet, you'll have to do some of my homework for me...oh wait, why am I asking you? I don't even know if you're smart or not..." I said.

"Excuse me? I'm a straight A student. You call that not smart? What about you missy?" He asked.

"We'll, I didn't know ok! And first of all, I'm a straight A student as well, except I only get 2 B's in Drama and Music!" I retorted. Nathan lowered his eyebrows.

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