A Rose That Blooms

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Ramona's P.O.V.

Meanwhile, as Addie began to grab her phone and call Ryan (Ramona didn't know this, however), Ramona went up the stairs, confident, strong. Strong enough that even her own thoughts deflected the worries of her conscience---it would tell her that he'd hit her and Ramona would reply that she wouldn't let him, it would tell her that she doesn't have the guts to leave him for good and Ramona would remind herself that she loved Ryan.

Love is a very strong word, and with that power behind her, there's no way she didn't have the guts to leave him. Besides, she's got to return Ryan's kiss sometime.

When Ramona reached the door of the bedroom, she looked around inside and saw no Shawn. She glanced at the clock. It was 6:34. She also glanced at the photo of her and Shawn smiling, but more so herself. She felt bad for that Ramona, with the sad eyes. No matter, though, because this Ramona was about to have a better life. That Ramona was gone.

Ramona noticed that the light was on in the closet, though. Taking a deep breath, Ramona took those few steps forward and turned just to see Shawn standing in front of many empty hangers. Few had clothes on them. She was surprised he hadn't noticed before.

On the other hand, for the many times Ramona had seen Shawn angry, she knew exactly what it looked like. He'd be obviously tense, which he was, fists often clenched too. Ramona stared at his back a moment and thought of how to begin. Maybe she could get on with it. Just say, "Shawn, it's over. Fuck you."

Could that work? She could just walk out? No, of course not. Shawn proved himself to be aware of her presence already anyways. She thought she'd been quiet.

"Why is most of your stuff gone?" He growled without turning around. Ramona felt her stomach clench. She took a deep breath again. Her confidence was waning. Maybe it was just adrenaline and that was leaving her, though.

Her eyes got watery. She didn't feel sad, but they felt like tears, which were so unfortunately familiar.

Shawn repeated himself, getting louder.

"Ramona, why is your stuff gone?!"

Ramona did not flinch as usual. She blinked back the water from her eyes and lifted her chin. A voice rang in her head, but one that was not her own. It sounded like Ryan's.

You can do this.

Ramona took another deep breath, as if the air in her lungs would give her strength back. She felt hesitant. Her stomach clenched a little tighter, twisting.

Then it told her again.

You can do this.

Ramona finally spoke, "I think you know why, Shawn."

Shawn turned and glared at her, "Where the hell do you think you're going?"

Ramona just huffed, glaring right back at his assumption of having power over her. She spun on her heel and left the room. Maybe she could get Addie and they could just leave then and there. She could always come back for her stuff.

She didn't want to linger. She didn't want to argue. Besides, he knows she's moving out, she's leaving. He's gotten the point already.

"Ramona!" He called as she headed down the stairs. Just as he did fifteen minutes ago. But this time she was not to look back at all.

As Ramona stepped away from the staircase, she looked around for Addie. It didn't take long to find her standing in the kitchen by the island, a phone in her hand that she just said something into. Shawn called her name again as he came down the stairs.

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