Barely Breathing

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Ramona's P.O.V.

Sitting at her desk again that night to write more songs, Ramona felt exhausted from trying to keep up with Shawn and keep him happy enough so he wouldn't get mad and do anything. She doesn't know what's better, actually having him here or having him gone; while Shawn is home, she's always searching for some way to escape him and his anger.

Suddenly, as Ramona tried focusing on the next song she was working on (often looking between her paper and the picture of Ryan above her desk), her cellphone began to ring loudly and vibrate a little on the desk. Ramona immediately dropped her purple-colored pen and grabbed her phone. It was an unknown number, but she decided to answer it anyways.

"Hello?" She asked. A familiar voice replied. She couldn't put her finger on where she had heard it before until the man on the other end introduced himself.

"Hello, is this Ramona Wood?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is going to sound crazy,'s Ryan. Ryan Tedder."

At first, Ramona gaped and was speechless. Her voice was caught stiff in her throat and she could feel it, a huge lump stuck in her esophagus and slowly draining her of the breath she had along with it. It sure did sound like him...but, it couldn't be, could it? This had to be a prank. It could not be Ryan Tedder. This just didn't make any sense.

" do you know who I am? Who is this, really?" Ramona frantically asked. The man on the other end of the line sighed and muttered something, though she had no idea what he said. She was about to ask him to repeat himself, but he said something else.

"I know you don't believe me. But please, trust me. It's---"

"I--I can't trust you! There's just no way--I--"

She cut herself off. What was she to say? She was stuck in between two very hard things. She had proof of both of them. It could be him, really, it sounds just like him! But it couldn't be, for seemingly more reasons. Three of them were very clear.

A) Ryan Tedder has better things to do with his life than call some woman with relationship issues and few friends.

B) Ryan Tedder wouldn't go looking for the number of this woman with relationship issues and few friends.

C) Ryan Tedder is Ryan Tedder.

Also, how did he get her number?? Oh, wait, she can ask him. Whoever this is.

"How did you get my number?"

"Ramona, listen, it is Ryan. I got your number from Addie. You know, Addie? Can you trust me now?"

The moment the man said Addie's name the lump in Ramona's throat grew and totally rid her lungs of all oxygen she had within. This gave another reason to the fact that it could be Ryan and that it couldn't. It could be because hey, how would he know her? Addie is a valid source. Addie is one of Ramona's best friends. However, this leads to why he couldn't.

D) Ryan Tedder isn't on the phone with Ramona and this is a stalker who knows about her few friends. And probably the relationship issues too.

"I--I don't know!" She stuttered. The man sighed another time, just faintly. Ramona didn't know what to do. She chose her only route and suddenly cried, "Just---whoever you are, leave me alone!"

Ramona hung up, throwing her phone down on her desk. Then she found the tips of her fingers on her temples as she tried to breathe and think about what just happened. For some reason, she began to scold herself, for what if that was really Ryan?

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