All For Her

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Ryan's P.O.V.

Ryan sat in his room, cross-legged on the messy blankets on his bed, lazily playing his guitar. One arm hugged it up to his chin, his right cheek resting on it, and his left hand messed with different chords as the other strummed with little effort. Just ten minutes or so ago he had been in the basement, in his studio, trying to work on another song for the band. He miserably failed on coming up with anything.

It was Ramona. She was on his mind, and not just every once in a while. Constantly. The only inspiration Ryan had gotten as he sat around the house was to write another song about her. He almost did write one about her being like a butterfly, but remembered the small pile of songs he already had...about her.

Ryan dropped the guitar beside him. He needed to talk to someone about it. He could keep it inside, until now. But he also hadn't said a word all day, not to anyone. Ramona was locked away in her room, whatever. Ryan didn't think she ever came out either, not since last night.

He didn't want to make a mistake. He didn't want to let his loneliness make him regret saying anything to anyone. Zach knew little about Ramona, he almost properly met her had it not been for Shawn. But other than that, the other guys don't know a thing. Brent suspects from the songs, but thankfully, Ryan hadn't mentioned her name in them.

Then he thought about why he didn't want them to know. He wasn't so sure on that one. There was this burning desire within him, though, a determined little thing in his brain that wouldn't let Ramona be thought of by the guys. Maybe it was instinctive and he didn't want them to...

To what? That's the question. Ryan didn't know the answer.

Maybe I'll just call Zach. Maybe he'll pick up. Ryan thought to himself. He reached over to grab his phone from the nightstand on his right. After a few calls, Zach never answered.

After this, Ryan then had to sit there for a few minutes and contemplate if he needed the help enough to call Eddie, or perhaps Drew. Not Brent. Ryan hadn't gotten over the attempt at invading his privacy. Just by skimming through the songs, he had done enough.

But once you tell the other two, what then? Your love for Ramona won't be so private then. So why be mad at Brent? Ryan's conscience asked.

Ryan shook his head and tried calling Eddie.

"Hello?" Eddie greeted him.

"Hey. Why is Zach not answering the phone?" Ryan replied.

"He's off with his girlfriend. Me and the other guys were with him a few hours ago but around three he left in some hurry."


"Anyways, what's up? Doing alright? Haven't really heard from you in days."

"Yeah, I'm alright."

That was an involuntary shrug. Ryan wasn't alright at all. The quick thumps of his heart was usually what rose him in the morning, and with every one of his waking moments, Ramona would not leave his head.

"Cut the bullshit," Eddie stated, always able to detect a lie, "What's wrong?"

"A girl, I suppose." Ryan hesitated.

"Bros before hoes, man! I thought you knew this."

Eddie's tone was serious enough that Ryan wasn't sure if he was joking until he laughed, "Hey, chill, I'm totally kidding. But a girl? Do you mean that Ramona---"

"Wait, who the hell told you about Ramona?!"

Silence, besides a quietly muttered, "Shit."

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