New Beginning

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Ramona's P.O.V.

Ryan tenderly woke Ramona up the next day. She was surprised to find such a handsome face so close the moment she opened her eyes. The natural light pouring into the room, made him look...angelic.

Christ, Ramona, snap out of it. Her mind snapped. She turned from him as he said, "I've already had Addie go over to Shawn's, so she should already be there when you arrive. I also thought this was a good time to wake you up, it's just after nine."

Shit, right, I forgot. I have to go leave him today. Or in the next few days. But the quicker I can get it over with, the better. I just hope I can. Ramona then thought. Then she began to sit up and looked over at Ryan, standing beside the bed.

However, it was an odd thing he did, because he had been looking at her in some way, but the moment she looked at his face, he turned away, his expression changing so she couldn't know what he looked at her with.

Ramona then remembered last night. Ah, sleep was nice, because she didn't have to think about all the shit that happens when she's awake. Too many emotions. Having to leave Shawn, the pregnancy scare, and then the way Ryan's lips felt on her cheekbone.

When she turned away last night, she regretted it. She thought about turning back again and grabbing his face and finally kissing him, but something else made Ramona do it the moment Ryan leaned down.

But then Ryan left and that killed her. She felt she hurt him. She wanted to know. She had some odd urge within her to ask about it, to ask if he felt rejected because hurting him is not something she'd ever wish to do.

That's when Ramona wrote the letter. She turned off the TV and fled upstairs, getting out a piece of paper and writing the letter she'd give to him as she left for Shawn's. Maybe that would help. Patch up anything she could've left him with last night.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked. Ramona turned. He was looking at her again. Ramona nodded, assuming she blacked out a moment in her thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah, I' down..." Ramona muttered, getting up. Ryan nodded and left the room, quicker than usual. Ramona felt sadness in case he was hurt by what she did last night.

Ramona got her clothes on, just black leather pants, a black t-shirt, and her combat boots. Since she needed to wash her hair, she put it in a ponytail, her shorter layers falling out so she put them behind her ears. She finished with red lipstick and simple black eyeliner and grabbed her bags to leave. As she headed to the door, she remembered the letter and snatched it up from her nightstand.

While she went down the stairs, she saw Ryan leaning on the wall by the door.

"Taxi's here. I already paid the driver." He said simply. Ramona nodded, swallowing. His eyes did look sad. Maybe he was just tired. But why would he be? It couldn't have been late when he went to bed. Unless something kept him up...

"Ready?" He asked.


Then he opened the door for her. Ramona took a breath and headed there, but then Ryan grabbed her arm as she headed out. Then in her free hand not holding the letter, he thrust a handgun. It was Shawn's Smith & Wesson, the one he'd taken to the house and tried to shoot Ryan with.

Ramona gave Ryan a look, but at her expression he said, "If you need this, because you and I know you might, do not hesitate to use it."

"But Ryan, I don't know ho---"

Ryan pointed to the safety as he started to explain, "There's a lot more to it than this, and I'll teach you some other time, but just flip this down to turn the safety off, and shoot. It'll have a little kickback, so hold it tight. You shouldn't need it. I hope you don't. case."

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