She's A Butterfly

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Ryan's P.O.V.

After he had left Ramona in that spacious room on the floor, covered in the tears he was unable to wipe off and clearly breathless, Ryan left to his room. He couldn't make it to his bed to go to sleep, but instead his legs gave away and he fell against the door once he closed it.

He had his arms resting on his knees, feeling the soft fabric of his pajama pants on his skin. He, too, was breathless, and he tried to get the oxygen back to his lungs. It was really just Ramona that had made him lose it. Sure, his heart pumped quicker and louder than ever before as he leaned down to kiss her, but it was simply her that did it.

Ryan stared over to his right at the large windows in his bedroom. The sheer white curtains were open, so there was moonlight in the room. It wasn't as bright as it was when he was on the floor with Ramona, for the half moon laid itself in the sky on the other side of the house. But it was still enough for Ryan to be able to see the room.

He couldn't help but stare at the swaying trees outside, mesmerized by them for a moment. He didn't know what time it was, but it was surely after one. He couldn't see the clock from his space far away on the floor.

Despite him trying desperately to breath normally and get his breath back from when Ramona's beauty took it away, Ryan was peaceful. The nature blended in perfectly with his well-furnished home and the love that he and Ramona were sprouting. It was hard to deny. There was something there within her. Ryan could look in her eyes and see something there for him.

This was a start. That's also what took his breath away because he's getting to her, and she's told him many times that she wants to get over Shawn and is trying to. Even if she didn't say a word about it, it's obvious. Especially to Ryan, who can't help but analyze everything she says and does when she's with him. That's always been a good way he's figured people out. Ramona is also easy to read.

So Ryan was content. There was finally something there between he and Ramona, the very thing he's been searching for. As he walked back to his room, his mind was yelling at him, You should've kissed her, you royal idiot, that was perfect! But no, what he did instead was perfect, it was right.

Their love was like a rose, in fact. At first, Ryan only planted the seeds, but he took care of them and made sure that he watered them enough and gave the place enough sunshine. And now something was sprouting. Just a little stem with a tiny bud on it, where the flower would bloom, but Ryan will take care of it with his life until it does.

But it was inevitable. Flowers bloom, it's the cycle of their lives. So Ryan didn't need to worry as long as he took care of what the plant had now. Kissing Ramona would've been him trying to rush it, but life can't be rushed. Like the rose, she'll open up to him. Someday.

Ryan sighed and got up. With his legs still weak, he walked over to one of the the double doors attached the tall middle window, feeling how soft the carpet was on his feet. He opened the doors and stood there at the threshold, taking everything he could in.

His tired eyes were droopy, but the chilly breeze woke him up a bit. It ran through his hair and messed with his clothing. But Ryan basked in it. He was so calm at this point that it may have been slightly overwhelming, but Ryan was so in love that he didn't overthink it. He thought about the wind instead, that gave him small goosebumps on his warm skin and began to aid him in getting his breath back.

It was a force that was to be reckoned with, an earthly element that can produce the power of a billion men or more. No matter how big it would get, though, it would hardly sway the fire within him, burning brightly and only for Ramona.


I want to hold her.

I want her to love me.

But that can't come fast enough. You can't rush love, I know. But the longing I feel for her is killing me.

I keep telling myself that it'll happen, for sure. Right now, that's looking very true, after all. But Ramona Wood still can't let go of her abusive fiance for good.

Why can't she? That's my question. I mean, yeah, I get it, she loves him, and she wants to let go. She's trying, even. But I've seen him pull her back in.

So would it be his fault then? Or hers, for not realizing how horrible he is in the first place? I guess I don't know her situation, though. Sort of. She's told me a lot, on the other hand.

You see, don't get me started on Shawn Murphy, that piece of shit. Excuse me for throwing out some out-of-the-blue profanity, but that guy pisses me off. I don't give a shit if you have a face like a model, you treat a woman like she's not human and you can get the hell out, buddy.

But Ramona sometimes reminds me of a sweet, delicate butterfly and Shawn is that kid that catches them and pulls their wings off for fun. Beautiful Ramona...

I've fallen very deep in love now.

There's no way to avoid it, like a head-on collision on a one-way road. Not the best analogy for this, but it's true. It hits you before you know it, with blinding lights in your eyes and a racing heart inside your chest. I've never felt this way about someone before. Granted I've never been one to look for a relationship. This time is different than every time before, though.

She's a fan of me and my work. She's taken by and engaged to a man who abuses her. She dyes her hair unnatural colors to deal with her haunting past. She's got my heart without really knowing it.

That's probably why I can't breathe sometimes. It's also usually when I think of her and those blue eyes with the little specks of gray, like she's got little rain clouds in them. I wouldn't be surprised if that's why her eyes often have tears in them.

I'll be there to wipe them away, though, rest assured. I'll be there to take care of that budding rose, waiting for it to bloom, no matter how long it takes.

I'll wait for that beautiful butterfly.


The only reason that song (Coldplay's Yellow, love the band and the track so much!) is on here is because it happened to come on Spotify as I was writing this and I was just like, "Holy crap. This is perfect for Ryan." So there you go!

Now, I hope you liked that I made a chapter that was slightly parallel to Ramona's ("Windswept Ruins"). Well, the monologue was parallel. I loved my monologue for Ramona so much and it got good feedback, so I decided that I could make one for Ryan too. Why not, right? (Also, my analogies and metaphors are pretty great today. So proud...)

Tell me how you liked this! I know it may not have been much at all and you're like, "What?? I waited almost a week for this?!" It's okay. I'll make it up to you next Saturday. In fact, I'm excited for next week's update because you'll see all of the guys!! Yay! And more government stuff. So you guys should really like that one. I hope? As always, much love to all. xxx

P.S. Emma Watson's Vogue Italia photoshoot has killed me and you need to look it up r i g h t n o w. Seriously. *dies*

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