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Eddie's P.O.V.

Eddie had gotten up just half an hour ago and now that he had eaten breakfast and done whatever else he needed to, he began to get dressed as he remember what he had to do. He had to meet Brent, Zach, and Drew at Zach's house. He wasn't sure he really wanted to, but he often thought, Hey, why not?

Brent had this odd curiosity for Ryan's apparent new love interest, which is why they were meeting up. Admittedly, though, Eddie also wanted to know.

When Ryan first mentioned very briefly that he had a woman in mind, Eddie didn't think much of it because he simply didn't care. He didn't care to know much about the relationships and romantic affiliations of others. However, Brent's interest sparked and interest in Eddie.

Then Eddie thought about it more after Brent texted him early in the morning. Ryan may become attached easily, he's notorious for doing so, but this was different. Brent told him little over text, but it was, Eddie knew. Mostly because Brent was so insistent about it, so it had to be good, because Brent is hardly a nosy person either.

Eddie got to Zach's house in half an hour after leaving his own, at roughly 12:30. Zach had a very cozy house, not too big but not too small, not far east of Los Angeles. Drew was not yet there, but Brent and Zach waited out on the porch of the house.

"Hey." Zach said curtly. Eddie nodded at him and Brent waved a bit. But it was quick, for they seemed to be in deep conversation.

"Anyways, what happened when Lynn and I were walking---"

"Hey, maybe we should wait until Drew hears this too." Brent cut Zach off. Eddie stepped up on the porch and stood by the two chairs they sat in.

"Hears what?" Eddie asked.

"About the only interaction that Zach had with Ryan's romantic interest. And her fiance." Brent answered.

"What? Wait, wait, wait...she's engaged?! What is Ryan thinki----"

Brent hastily put a hand up, "That's what I thought too."

"But he's abusive." Zach added. Eddie tried not to gape. Then he rubbed his face with his hands, groaning.

"What has he gotten himself into??"

He heard one of the others sigh, and it sounded like Zach.

"I'm sure it's not as bad as we think. See, Brent knows some stuff ab---"

"Zach, the man is abusive. I think it's as bad as we thi---"

"I know. I met him. He's insane. I meant Ryan's interest in her. And he's not dumb, he's gotta know what he's doing." Zach replied seriously.

Eddie rolled his eyes, "Oh, yeah, he might be in love. But no worries, he still knows what he's doing. It's not like feelings ever get in the way of logic."

Then he turned back to Zach, looking at him intensely.

"Zach," He said, "This is Ryan we're talking about."

Zach sighed again, in a way that suggested he knew Eddie was right. Brent just watched, quiet.

Then they heard a car pull up. It was a 2008 Ford Mustang coupe that Drew stepped out of, wearing large sunglasses and looking like he was trying just a bit too hard to look cool as he walked up to them.

"What's up?" He asked them.

"Hey." Brent greeted him. Zach didn't say anything, at least that Eddie heard, and Eddie said, "Drew, you're not as cool as you think you are."

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