Worried Thoughts

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Ryan's P.O.V.

It was around eleven now. Ryan was still slightly upset about last night, and he wasn't even sure why it was affecting him so much. But Ramona Wood didn't even think it was him on the phone with her. At the same time, what had Ryan expected? That she'd actually believe that her idol was calling her? Not a chance.

Ryan was lazily sitting on his couch, flipping through random channels on the TV, a tired right hand pressing the buttons on his remote. He's normally not this inactive, usually working on songs or something in the studio, but for the past week or so, the studio's been shut down temporarily. None of the guys have a clue why, but Mark says it's something that has to do with the government.

Suddenly, Ryan thought of Ramona again. She popped back up in his mind like lightning does during a storm. He whipped out his phone to contact Addie. He, for some reason, had to know what she looked like. That's not too weird, is it?

He simply texted Addie a "Hey I have a question" and left it at that. As he channel surfed, Ryan skipped past the news and ended up getting stopped on that.

Two people sat at a polished brown desk in front of a backdrop of Los Angeles, one of them a thin, fair-skinned woman with mid-length, wavy brown hair, the other a professional-looking man with golden blonde hair, small eyes, and a sharp suit on.

"The entire nation has now been informed that President Nathaniel Carter has been working on a 'new nation,' so he calls it." The man said in a deep voice. The woman added, in a very nasally voice, "We don't have much information yet, but we do know that our federal republic may be turned into something else, and there will be new ways of living in the United States."

The man nervously laughed, "We do want to know what that man is up to, don't we, Sara?"

The other anchor, Sara, nodded. Ryan became bored and continued flipping through channels.

Then Ryan's phone vibrated once. Addie replied, asking, "Yes?"

Here it goes. Ryan replied with, "I wanted to know what Ramona looks like, not to sound weird or anything."

But apparently, there was no problem, for Addie replied just a moment later with only a picture and her text showing a smiley face. Ryan was blown away at the beauty of the woman in the photo.

It seemed the photo was taken in a dimly-lit restaurant, yet Ramona's face perfectly caught one of the lights. She was wearing a simple sleeveless black dress, her hair up in a bun, some loose, elegant curls falling from it. In her right hand she held a glass of red wine that was the same color as her hair, fingers wrapping itself around the glass and fingernails painted black.

Aside from all of this, however, her smile was breathtaking, like a radiant beam of sunlight that warmed Ryan up. It complimented her bright eyes too, ones a perfect shade of blue with little gray specks within. Although, it seemed she had something else in her eyes, and Ryan could not put his finger on what. They were bright, but that could just be the lights from the restaurant reflecting themselves in Ramona's eyes. Somewhere in there, dark clouds and heavy rain was forming, Ryan was sure of it.

But then Ryan caught something in the background that made him feel negative merely looking at it. It was a man, one with a very serious face, strong jaw and cheekbones giving him a certain ferociousness. His brown hair was styled up and cold gray eyes were looking off to the side somewhere. Ryan didn't see all of him, as not much light shone on him and part of him was cut off on the side of the photo. Ryan had a feeling of who it was, but had to ask Addie either way.

"That's Shawn." She replied to Ryan's question. I knew it. Was all Ryan could think. He looked like someone who would be an asshole the beautiful woman beside him.

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