Trembling and Breathless

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Ramona's P.O.V.

Ramona parked Ryan's Porsche in his driveway and got out, looking up at the house with her eyes squinting in the afternoon sunlight. She hoped he wouldn't be mad that she took his car without telling him beforehand. As she drove home from Johana's (the girls were able to comfort her quite well, for now) place, she began to realize how careless she had been.

She walked up to the door and took the spare key Ryan had given her from her purse and unlocked it. Then she stepped inside, heels clattering on the floor, as she looked around.

"Ryan?" Ramona called, craning her neck around and waiting for a response. There was none. She noticed that the note she left for him earlier was gone, though.

Ramona set her purse down on the small table beside the door and walked into the dining room and kitchen. She walked past the open counters into the large room with a long mahogany table that could fit six people. She had never really paid much attention to this large part of the house, but she should have. The windows on the sides were magnificent, and it was furnished well. Though, Ramona did not doubt that the rest of Ryan's house was like this.

Ramona had also never been to many parts of the home. Her presence remained in the living room, her room, Ryan's office, and the room with the grand piano sometimes.

She walked to the table, but looked around. It certainly didn't seem that Ryan was home. She sort of wanted to explore the rest of his huge house.

Ramona turned towards the kitchen to go back out and go look towards the hallway leading to the basement door. There was another room to the right Ramona didn't know about, but she knew the one straight ahead went to Ryan's personal studio downstairs. That's the place she would stay of of; to her, that was off limits.

Then Ramona saw a paper on the island in the kitchen, on top of the dark gray marble. It was a piece of notebook paper that had been ripped from the whole thing. It was Ryan's slightly messy and pointy handwriting telling her that he had gone on a jog.

Ramona looked away from the note, laying it back down on the counter softly. She went towards the hallway nearby and peeked in the room to the right. There was a bunch of new equipment for a studio, and various boxes, only about half of them sealed. Ramona wondered about this, but turned to walk away. She went into the living room and into the small looking room opposite of the "piano room," she called it. She was going to explore the house.

It was a room that was nearly empty other than a few small tables and a loveseat. But it was much like a simple entrance hall, and it led to a larger hall. Directly to the right was a raised platform with another lounging area. In front of this was another set of stairs, but Ramona went ahead and explored the hall before going up those. There was one door on either side of her, but Ramona ignored those and went ahead at some fancy looking double doors at the end of the hall.

When she was in front of them, she noticed some halls going off to her left and right, but they both ended only mere yards, simply each going to a huge window. The one on her left showed the front of the house, but the one on the right would overlook the basement.

Ramona turned back to face the doors. She put her hands on either one and opened the doors. What was in front of her was a huge bedroom that left Ramona speechless. For some reason, she loved this part of the mansion far better than the rest of it combined.

Directly in front of her was a King sized bed. It had a warm white and gray scheme, the bed covered in dark and light gray pillows and blankets. There was a lot of modern decor around it. There was a huge, comfy looking gray rug on the white floor. Ramona stepped inside, thinking, This has to be Ryan's room.

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