Snape couldn't speak up about this because it was not his business and he learned a great lesson of what happens when you speak on someone else's behalf to try and help but they just end up getting killed.

"I called in your parents and they should be here soon. We can discuss what consequence best suits you,"

Marcus nodded and sat back in his seat, staring out the window to avoid eye contact with any of the Professors. His mother's reaction he was worried about, his father not so much. He remembers stories his father had told him about his days at Durmstrang and they would start dueling at age twelve. Here at Hogwarts, they didn't start until around fourth year where they would learn spells and then fully apply them in fifth year.

The nearby fireplace in Snape's office suddenly turned bright emerald green and then went away, Jacob and Amelia Flint in its place.

Mr. Flint looked blank with a small hint of approval while Amelia had her lips pursed and disapproving brown eyes that were not strangers to mothers.

"Albus Dumbledore," Jacob spoke giving the Headmaster a nod and a handshake.

"Mr. and Mrs. Flint, how are you?" he returned, gesturing them to sit down on the seats on either side of Marcus who had a small frown on his face.

"Fine I guess," Jacob said passively and patted Marcus on the shoulder.

"I'm very concerned about what's going to happen to my son," Amelia stated giving Marcus a disapproving glare.

"I am as well Mrs. Flint," Dumbledore agreed. "I am also concerned with why this happened,"

"I'm sure the Gryffindors had to boast again like they always do. That Potter gets everything she wants," Jacob sneered while he muttered the last part.

Dumbledore heard it all and let out a breath. He saw the best in everyone but some of these Purebloods would never learn. "Why don't we just go to the consequences, shall we?"

Jacob looked back at Dumbledore and narrowed his eyes a bit but nodded in agreement.

"Now I mentioned to Marcus before that previous actions like this ended up in them being expelled,"

"Expelled?!" Amelia cried. "Marcus cannot be expelled,"

Jacob's ears perked at the word expelled. He's always hated Hogwarts and it seems now this may be his opportunity to have his son finally head off to Durmstrang and get the influence from Karkaroff that he's been wanting since Marcus has been born.

"Honey calm down," Jacob soothed rubbing her shoulder softly. "Now I don't want Dumbledore to make any exceptions for Marcus-"

"You want him to be expelled?!" she retorted angrily.

"I don't want any favoritism, Amelia. Marcus did what he did and he has to pay the price. Isn't that right, son?"

Marcus just shrugged. "I guess,"

Dumbledore looked between the three and ended up at Amelia who fell silent. "Well if it's what Marcus wants," she said contently, however still evident that she was upset with the situation.

"Well then I guess it's settled," the Headmaster spoke with a sigh. "Marcus Flint, you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. We'll give you until Tuesday to pack up and leave. Now I assume he'll continue his education at Durmstrang?" Dumbledore announced and looked at Jacob, his theory very much proven correct.

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