Chapter 11- The Date Part 2

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"All those calories and no fat." Es smiled and poked my side.

"All those Oreos and no fat." I chuckled and poked her side.

We went back to our movie and Es seemed to be enjoying it. She got excited when she saw Captain America's motorcycle, a Harley. She began chatting about how rare the bikes are.

"One of Harley's very first bikes, you can't get them just anywhere." Es explained.

"Looks skinnier than the other bikes." I said.

"Yeah well now a days things have been perfected so there's not so many problems, not to mention that they didn't have a speedometer." Es said before biting into a watermelon candy strip.

I gently snuck a candy strip from her bag and took a bite right just to tease her. Es raised an eyebrow and gave me s look.

"You did not just take a candy strip from me." Es shot me a look.

"What no I didn't." I smiled and ate the rest of it.

"Ye huh sure, don't make me get up Pillsbury Dough Boy." She warned me.

"Okay, I'm done," I chuckled and turned back to the movie.

Es eyed me for a moment but soon turned back to the movie. She rubbed her arms and I knew it was because she was getting cold.

"You cold, lass?" I asked her.

"Just a little but it's fine though." Es shrugged and shook her head.

"Okay but if you need a blanket just tell me." I nodded as I grabbed another candy strip.

"You did not!" Es exclaimed and glared at me.

"Did." I chuckled.

Es crawled over to me and began to playfully wrestle with me. We were apparently trying to get one another on their backs because Es pushed with all her might.

Although Es known for being a WWE legend, she's a high flyer and was not nearly as strong as me. I pinned her down with my legs locked with hers and my hand pinning hers above her head.

My face was centimeters away from hers and my eyes felt captured by her gorgeous green orbs that were the color of emeralds. My gaze fell to her soft, full lips that were so close that just one little move up could have our lips touching.

"You cheated." Es panted and blush burned on her cheeks.

The girl

"And how did I cheat, Es?" I asked her in amusement.

"This was based off of strength, I'm a high flyer." Es muttered her eyes fell to my lips, staring at them like I was doing with hers.

"Always got a answer for everything." I chuckled.

"99.8% of the time." Es smiled.

It was so hard to restrain myself from kissing her. Every fiber in my body was willing me toward her. Those lips were all I wanted right now. Just one kiss. But I know if I try it she will probably slap me and then leave, I don't want that to happen.

"You have that look again." Es giggled, yes she giggled and it was so damn adorable.

"What look?" I asked her and cupped her chin. She was slightly startled by my touch and stared at me like she didn't know what to do.

"Like you're dazed." Es said and didn't move my hand away.

"Just thinking, again." I smiled as I gazed into her gorgeous eyes."You're eyes are like two beautiful emeralds."

"Thank you." Es blushed shyly.

"They're the most beautiful things I've ever seen. " I said in awe and stroked her cheek with my thumb.

"Sheamus?" She asked me, breaking me out of my trance."Can I have that blanket now?"

"Sure thing, love." I smiled sadly and got up to go get her a blanket.

I was crushed, she was so close but yet so far. If she would have just let me then my life would have been complete. Okay maybe not complete but I still would have been very happy. My if I keep pushing for it.

I grabbed my small, but very warm blanket and carried it into the living room. Es was sitting there toying with her fingers when I came back, I sat down and pulled her to me. It was like petting a tiger, absolutely scary because I had no idea how Es was going to react.

Es stared at me in confusion as I pulled her onto my lap and put the blanket over us, she didn't say or do anything but by the look on her face she didn't know how to feel about it. I laid back on my pillow as Es was still processing what to do.

Please don't pull away

As if understanding what I just thought, she laid her head on my chest and turned back to the movie. My heart was beating rapidly and I fought the urge to smile, I was just so happy that she let me do this. Then I turned back to the movie in content.

We watched the rest of the movie in peace. And when it ended I could tell Es was getting sleepy, the second the credits hit she fell asleep on me. I smiled lightly and tucked one of her locks away from her face.

She looked so cute. Her cheek was squished against my chest and she had one hand on me.

I really don't want to wake her up.

I turned off the tv and DVD player then scooted down so my back wasn't on the arm rest. Es groaned when I moved but didn't wake up, she actually cuddled close to me. I pulled her closer to me so her head was on my shoulder and her lips were pressed to my neck.

Es didn't wake up and I smiled to myself at how perfect this was. She fit perfectly in my arms. Her soft breathing fanned my neck.

"Good night, love." I smiled happily and kissed her cheek.

My Barriers (Sheamus)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat