The Journey

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Jordan's POV:

I opened my eyes and I looked  around. I was on a road, I looked to my left and saw a sign. 


3 Miles out of Cira, the capital city of Mianite's Empire.  

15 miles out of Calyp.

10 miles out of Polyphem.


I looked down at Jerry who has been waiting patient by my feet. 

"Which way should we go Jerry?" I said looking at the small dragon. He climbed the sign and blew fire next to Polyphem.

"Well ok then, let's go, we have a while to walk." I said. Jerry jumped off the sign and onto my shoulder. We started to walk down the road. About an hour later we saw a store on the side of the road. I was tired from walking 5 miles. I looked at Jerry, the people inside will start to wonder who I am if they saw a little dragon. 

"Jerry go hide in one of the trees until I get out." I said looking at the little dragon perched on my shoulder. Jerry tilted his head and flew off into some trees on the side of the road. I looked at the clothes I was wearing. I had on what used to be a long flowing purple dress, but as soon as I got to Irus I used a a knife that I swiped from one of the guards to cut off the bottom of my dress. So it looked like I had a purple sundress. I also put my hair up in a bun. My entire outfit was purple since I was also wearing purple flats with my purple hair, so I need to get some new clothes too. I had some money that I have been saving for the last couple of years, so I can afford some new clothes. I walked into the small store that was made out of wood from the surrounding forest. It had clothes and food, so it looked like I could stock up here. I walked around and picked up some clothes, food, a bag, and water. I paid for the stuff and walked out. I looked at the clothes that I bought. It was a purple tank top, jeans and some black sneakers. I went behind some trees and changed into my new clothes. I took out a sandwich that I bought, sat down and started to eat it. It was really cold....

"JERRY!" I called. Then the small dragon flew out of the trees and landed next to me. "Could you warm up this sandwich for me?"  I asked with a smile. He shook his little head as to say no. I pouted "I'll let you have some of my sandwich and water." The dragon shook his tail happily and came over to the sandwich.  He blew fire on it, then danced around in a circle. I broke a piece off and gave it to him. He happily snapped at it and swallowed it whole. I started to eat it. As I was chewing I started to think about Reddington. I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks, and I usually see him every day. Maybe he was on a mission to Irus, and he got in trouble. That's why I came to Irus, I had to find and rescue my brother. Once I finished my sandwich I got out a bottle of water out of my bag. I took a drink. I looked down and Jerry was sitting in front of me wagging his tail. I rolled my eyes, and poured some water in the cap of the water bottle. I put it out in front of Jerry for him to drink it. He looked at it and looked back up at me. He knocked the cap over with his tail, like he didnt want it. I rolled my eyes and tossed him the water bottle. He caught the bottle in his mouth and swallowed it whole.The little dragon flew around in happiness. 

"Jerry! Don't fly around, people might now who we are if they see us, and if they see us we might get caught and killed." I said. Jerry flew back down with a sad look on his face. I looked at the bag I bought, It was big enough for a small dog to fit in there... I looked at Jerry and smiled. Five minutes later, after a lot of a arguing and scratches Jerry was in the bag underneath sandwiches and water. 

"Jerry, stop squirming around! People will get suspicious." He stopped squirming around and settled down. About another hour later we arrived in the town of Polyphem. I looked around and saw that there was a festival going on. I walked into the town, the streets were really crowded. I had to squeeze through the crowds and I finally got to the center of the town.  I looked around and saw a large build that looked like a colosseum. In the End colosseums are used for debates about agriculture and finance. Maybe thats what they where having, maybe I could learn some valuable information. I walked towards the large colloseume, it looked like that was where everyone was headed. I got to the ticket booth and paid for my tickets. 

"Ten drachma for regular, 20 for premium, and 30 for exotic." The ticket sales man said, swinging his key chain around his finger. I gave him 20 drachma. He gave me my ticket and I walked in. The ticket read, SEAT 7G NORTH SIDE. I went to my seat and sat down. I looked around, It looked like there wasn't a lot of people around me, so I put my bag down in the seat next to me. About ten minutes later a guy with blond hair covering his eyes came down and stood in front of the seat that I put my bag. 

"Oh, Is that your seat?" I asked moving my bag. 

"Yea, it's ok." He said sitting down. He looked over at me and stuck his hand out. "My name is Declin, my friends call me Dec." He said with a smile. I shook his hand. I had to say my name or else, he would get suspicious. 

"Hi, my name is Madam Bout." I said with a smile. He looked surprised and shook my hand. 

"Nice to meet you Madam Bout." He said with a smile. "So do you enjoy coming to gladiator fights?" He asked with a smile. 

"Gladiator fights?" I asked with a bit of fear showing on my face.

"LADYS AND GENTLEMEN, WELCOME TO THE BROTHERS STADIUM." Someone started to yell. The crowd roared in approval. 



I turned around, I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around and saw a booth behind me. Four people were in the booth and It looked like one was watching me. I clutched my bag closer to my chest. If someone tried to attack me Jerry would protect me. 


I leaned forward and saw the gladiator, Rick come out of his door. I can't believe it, I recognize him! He was a young guard from the End that used to follow me around to make sure I wasn't attacked. When I was attacked acouple of weaks ago, I was told that the guard died. Except Rick wasn't his name. His name was James, James Waglington. 

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