The Plan

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Tom's P.O.V: 

"So, what's the plan?" I asked sitting down. I looked over and saw Spark looking at me with the 'You touch my daughter i'll kill you' look. I didn't even know that look excised until today. I ought to wair my green mask more often, I would be to lazy to pull it down to kiss a girl. Hmmm, I wonder if they have food here. I looked around, in the distance there were buildings, I wonder if they have food there? 

"TOM!" Jordan yelled. I looked over at her. Gods she was beautiful, she had her hair in a braid and when she was yelled she was truly the most powerful and gorgeous being that was ever created. STOP! STOP! YOU WILL NOT THINK OF JORDAN LIKE THAT TOM! I yelled at my self in my head. HER DAD WILL KILL YOU! That little part of my head was saying 'But your a god, he isn't. Plus, she's SUCH PRETTY OMG!' What the heck?! Where did that thought come from? Such pretty OMG? That has to be the weirdest thing i've ever thought of. No, the me making my own clothing company, that was defiantly the weirdest. Hmmm, I told Dec about that didn't I? Where is Dec right now? Im pretty sure one of the generals said something about him being arrested for using magic. Magic is illegal, and im guessing that has something to do with the crazy girl named Sonja who hijacked my body. Not in the weird way though. 

"TOM I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR TINY LITTLE..." Jordan started to yell at me. 

"Ok Jordan, lets not kill the fire power in the group." Tucker said putting his hand out in front of Jordan. She grumbled and backed down. 

"What?" I asked innocently. Jordan yelled and tried to run forward to choke me. Tucker tried to hold her back but couldn't, and she ran at me. She made a motion with her hand and purple particles flew around me and I rose off the ground. She made a pushing motion with her hand and I flew back 50 yards. 

"JORDAN!" Tucker yelled. My great father started laughing and Spark was nodding in approval. 

"Next time do it with more force, more ferocity." Spark told Jordan. Great, with my amazing new god senses I can hear people talk and laugh at me from really far away. That's just great. I grummbled and got up, I walked back over to our little group.

"Ok so now that I have that out of my system, I think I have a plan." Jordan said as I came over. I shook my head, shaking out the purple grass out of my hair. 

"Well then lets hear it." Tucker said leaning forward. Jordan got a smile on her face and she started to explain the plan.

Third Person P.O.V:

"NOW!" Ianite yelled. Mianite shot lighting while Dinanite summoned fire, and Ianite shot purple acid at the young goddess named Sonja. The girl just summoned Tom, Tucker, and Jordan to be her shield. Mianite, realising it would hurt the people they where trying to save blocked the attack with a giant earth wall. 

"Well what now?" Mianite yelled at Ianite. They couldn't use their full power, because unbeknownst to the young goddess, the gods where only projecting images of themselves in the battle. There physical forms where actually still in the End. 

"I...I don't know." Ianite said tiredly. Ianite was all out of idea's since they where only left with 1/1000 of their actually power. They couldn't do anything to stop a goddess with full access to her power even if she didn't have that much power compared to the ancient gods, and to make madders worse she has three more gods in training, and they happen to be very deer to the ancient gods Ianite, Mianite, and Dianite. They had no idea what to do. 

"Kill them!" Sonja yelled. Suddenly the possessed bodies of Tom, Tucker, and Jordan ran forward to kill the old gods, 

"No!" Ianite yelled. Then suddenly Tom's body lit on fire and stopped dead. He started to smile. 

"So you going to make Tom do something now?" Dianite yelled. Thinking that Sonja had a plan to kill Tom in some weird way. Sonja looked at Tom in fear.

"KILL THEM!" She yelled at Tom. Tom started to laugh, and it wan't the empty, hollow laugh that they heard for a while while Sonja was in control. No, it was Tom's laugh. An annoying loud, full of cockiness and happiness. 

"Well, now that was fun, having my body beat up and me not even getting to kill anyone in the process." Tom said swinging his arms around in the air. He pulled out his sword.

"Now then, im gonna make sure you pay for stealing my body." Tom said nodding. He ran forward at Sonja and swung his ax, a vortex of fire surrounded Sonja. She screamed as the fire burned her body. Green smoke formed around her after the fire dissipated. Every inch of her body was so badly burned, that in some places you could see her bones. The green smoke went around her until you couldn't see her body. When the smoke dissipated her wounds where all healed, every inch of her body was healed, even the little wounds the gods inflicted. 

"You dare to reject me?" Sonja yelled. "Kill your friends!" She yelled at Tucker and Jordan. The possessed bodies didn't move an inch. 

"What?!" Sonja screamed backing away. Tom smiled.

"You see, possessing a god's body will get you somewhere for a little bit, but when they finally get tired of it we can take them back. Tucker and Jordan just wanted to stay and talk to the non-fashionista and Ash Ketchum." Tom said with a smile. 

"Who the heck is Ash Ketchum and the non-fashionista?" Ianite asked quietly to Dianite and Mianite. Dianite shrugged, as if he was just confused by the nicknames as Ianite was. Mianite didn't bother to answer. 

"Anyways, lets go for a ride." Tom said running forward and grabbing Sonja. She screamed and tried to run. She and Tom burst into flames and teleported away. Tucker's body dissipated into white smoke and Jordan's melted into shadow.  

"Well where the heck did they go off to?" Dianite yelled throwing his sword up in the air. 

"Who the heck knows?" Ianite sighed. 

Jordan's P.O.V:

"Wait, who is Ash Ketchum?" I asked. Tucker, my dad, Tucker's dad, and Tom's dad all shrugged. 

"He's my son and even I have no idea what the heck he's talking about." Tom's dad said shrugging. 

"Well Syndicate you can't know everything." Tucker's dad said. So his name was Syndicate?

"Yea your the one to talk Jericho." Syndicate said laughing. And Tucker's dad's name is Jericho? Why do all of our parents have really weird names? I felt a strange sensation in my body and I looked down. I have my body back, im not just the mind anymore. I looked over and saw Tom pop out of thin air holding Sonja. Tom held up his hand. 

"I like trains. Just thought I would let you all know." He said putting his hand down. Sonja was knocked out cold. He laid her down on the ground next to Tucker.

"Here, have your weird girlfriend." Tom said. Tucker rolled his eyes. 

"So what now? Do we have like a gods anonymous sort of thing and talk about our problems?" Tom asked sitting down. Tucker laughed. I just shook my head. Tom is so strange. It threw my hands up in the air.

"Why not? It seems like we all had some sort of messed up life." I said throwing my hands up in the air. Well, looks like we got some work cut out for us. 

"Do you all mind if you leave? We kinda want a god on god conversation." I asked looking at Our parents with a smile. They nodded and was gone in a puff of smoke. 

"Well who's ready for gods anonymous?!" Tom yelled pumping his fists up in the air. 

"Well, lets get to this." I said. With that we formed a friendship circle and got ready to talk about our terrible lives and feelings.

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